PVP build

I need a decent pvp marauder build if anyone would like to show me :D i'm interested in a block build if thats possible
no one? im afraid im gonna build wrong :/
Search the forum. There's plenty of block build examples available. No on is going to do the work for you, that you could do in 10 minutes yourself.
IGN: _Firebitch
lol i have searched it
from theory crafting i come to realise that the best builds would be a viper strike + high block.

temp chain + molten shell + totems.

ive heard that dual strike is quite powerful in pvp but not sure.
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Anthian wrote:
from theory crafting i come to realise that the best builds would be a viper strike + high block.

temp chain + molten shell + totems.

ive heard that dual strike is quite powerful in pvp but not sure.

are you trying to spread propaganda, or is this actually what you believe?

edit: from seeing your post on the multiple flickers thread i understand that you are getting your info from 2012, well frankly times have changed. pvp isnt nearly the same as it was back in closed beta, i would like to see kripp come in and pvp any of the top standard pvpers just to see him get crushed.
IGN: High____Lander | xDominus

40 Arena pvper: Bleed_Pig

Guild: <HERB> THC
Last edited by oowarpigoo on Sep 5, 2013, 1:11:47 AM
lol im still researching more atm and dont have all the facts.
(mayb i should stop posting until i get up to date)

but from what i know, is that i got wtf pwned from a righteous fire in hc high lvl pvp. i was just testing it out with my explosive marauder.

ive never been able to test my real end game pvpers because they always die before getting to 70 in hc.
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