Auras turn off after warmup

There is a few seconds warmup before the duel, and I turn on my auras while that, but at the beggining of the match my auras become inactive again, and I have to turn them on again. Please fix this.
How about...No.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
pianokingx3 wrote:
How about...No.

Who are you?
pianokingx3 wrote:
How about...No.

Why not? I can only think of positive things that would happen, like rushing someone who built around a lot of auras. When we have a pvp system that doesn't reward you for winning or punish you for losing, what's the reason to not have fair fights?
Keeping auras on the entire time will put a lot of builds at a disadvantage against certain builds. There is a more in depth answer to this but someone else will probably explain it better than me.
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
pianokingx3 wrote:
Keeping auras on the entire time will put a lot of builds at a disadvantage against certain builds. There is a more in depth answer to this but someone else will probably explain it better than me.

People who go Blood Magic (passive node) gains the advantage of having an extra support gem at the cost of auras, and while not many builds feel like this is a fair trade the players who do take it knows that there is a downside. It just seem strange that all other builds would get the same downside in PVP simply because auras have to be recast before every new match starts.

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