vaal pact cyclone high leech build lvl 28 pvp

So theory crafting a build for that unique claw with 15% leech and 8 life on hit because i want to try something new and have some gear that could be useful for him

Ive got a build for templar, mara and duelist for this one because they are close to vaal pact and get a good life and 1 hand melee nodes

Im leaning towards the duelist because of the +2 range node atm

mara build mana:

mara build blood magic:

templar build:

duelist build mana:

duelist build blood magic:

So the idea is to cyclone with super high instant leech, the damage will be low but hopefully enough to do some damage or atleast be fun with some phys rings, ammy, and gloves.

perandus as standard

al dih claw thingy

phys life rings and ammy with mana to run cyclone

iether temp chains gloves or phys ias life gloves

wakes for no move speed and light dmg

meginords belt or 90+ life belt with resists

60+ life armour

60+ life helm

health flasks have no effect so all mana for cyclone with life leech or mana leech or curse removal etc

for the blood magic builds granites all round baby for extra tankiness

for curse if you have enough mana/intel vulnerability would be nice otherwise warlords mark or enfeeble

Do you think this would work? Damage would be quite low but leech would be very high and cyclone would hit quite a few times on any of the builds
If it is to work, my money would be on the templar build. IMO every other build wastes too many points to be viable. I recommend you run cyclone off of a 4 or 5 link with blood magic support, it will cost around 50-80 life but it will allow you to run many auras. Bloodmagic normally only works well on high regen characters, but i can see the potential in this.

I also think you will have to run multistrike for the crazy attack speed. But i don't know, i've never attempted a vaal pact character. hopefully this is at least a little helpful..

This is probably what i would do, but doesnt include oak
Last edited by exmse on Jul 1, 2013, 8:16:17 AM

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