Onslaught League

Could this be something like a 1 month cutthroat event? Or does it even have anything to do with PvP? What do u think?
Not sure if you've seen this already, since I saw you posting in the 0.11.0 patch news thread... but here is what Chris posted.

"We're not adding permanent cut-throat in 0.11.0, but I am very keen to get longer and longer cut-throat events running so that we can make solve any issues they have when run for days or weeks on end."


"I guess several people missed the post I already made in this thread noting that 0.11.0 doesn't yet have a permanent cut-throat league but it's something we're working towards soon! I figure it's worth repeating just so that people aren't disappointed when we post the patch notes and there's no mention of long-term cut-throat."
IGN: _Firebitch
Chris only confirmed that it would not be a PERMANENT cutthroat league yesterday... But today he said that onslaught was a "new league type"... Prob. wont have anything to do with cutthroat then.

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