ramdom disconnect
Hello, I am ecountering random disconnect when I play.
Here is the WinMTR result as mention in the pinned post: https://pastebin.com/9rF7RAXF It happened usually when I start playing for the day, and after like 5-6 disconnect in a roll, it tend to get better, and I will not be getting dc for like a hour or so, and get less frequent dc. I am playing on wifi, but I am sure that the internet is fine as I have other games running beside POE and they did not get dc. I have also cleared the my client's cache. Here is some log I got from the client.txt file: 2024/11/13 23:35:23 40309484 cff94598 [INFO Client 26092] : You have entered Poorjoy's Asylum. 2024/11/13 23:35:23 40309671 d5c98b06 [INFO Client 26092] [SHADER] Delay: ON 2024/11/13 23:36:49 40395328 aecea316 [INFO Client 26092] Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred. Last bumped on Nov 13, 2024, 11:44:36 PM