Tips for LINUX performance on older cards (or new too!)
Hi there fellow linux low-spec users,
- 1st things 1st, after the latest patches, older cards cant seem to use vulkan (new extension required maybe?). If you can run the game on Vulkan, great, use it. Else, change the render to 'DirectX11' on the 'production_config.ini' file so the game can start. Great, now our crappy card will run even worse. That's life. - 2nd, and required. Use ProtonGE (search proton eggroll github on google) version 8+ (just use the latest version). ProtonGE includes FSR tech. Now, on Steam launch command, add the following: WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_MODE=performance %command% (you can use 'quality' instead of performance as well if you have a newer card) Enter the game and open the options. Use "fullscreen" (not windowed fullscreen), use your monitor resolution and no upscale. If you have a really bad card like me (vega 7/rx550) lock the fps to 30, and all settings to low. Save, exit the game and re-open it. Thats it, the game should run smooth at 30 fps, rarely go potato mode, look great and sharp, but more importantly, it will run smoothly even on juiced maps. Little explanation: FSR is AMD's version of Nvidia's DLSS, but with ProtonGE's implementation it can be used on any card and any game. <3 My rx550 and vega 7 can barely run the game on 720p all low, even just standing on my hideout. With FSR I can do juiced maps no problem. I get some potato mode (low res) on some stuff like rituals for some reason, but still playable since the game can keep the 30 fps lock. For newer cards just wanting to juice out more performance, just keep all settings you normally use, but switch to fullscreen, monitor res and no upscale with the protonGE start arguemente on steam and get free FPS Now go download some FPS! Last bumped on Sep 28, 2024, 6:24:22 PM
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