Kingmarch Moving Forward


First off, thank you for this league. It has been great, and I know a lot went into it.

If Kingsmarch is to go core, please consider the following:

1. Allow us to edit Kingsmarch to some extent, like our hideout. Specifically, to move the stash chest. Both locations are very inconveniently located currently, IMO

2. Improve filter options for idle workers, allowing us to sort by job type/cost per hr/etc

3. Add a dust calculator to the disenchanter, so it shows how much dust the current load will create next to the time to completion.

4. Allow us to control what notifications we see while not in kingmarch/turn them off.

I don't think anyone wants to see every time a single map completes, but would love to know when the final map completes. It would also be great to have a place where the selected notification persist as a small icon like a "!" for work stopages. (deaths/captures/etc). Currently while mapping, most people ignore the norifications or close them immediately, then sometimes forget that someting happened.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”
Last edited by Piousqd on Sep 16, 2024, 11:52:49 AM
Last bumped on Sep 16, 2024, 12:00:15 PM
Alternative to making Kings march editable, allow the expedition NPC's in our hideouts to also perform their Kings march skills. However, I understand that this would take the majority of players out of kings march completely. It just seems weird that we have the same characters in 2 places, but can't interact with them for the other locations functions.
“Freedom is what we do with what is done to us.”

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