Settlers of Kaalgur and Simulacrum

Playing simulacrums prevents players from engaging in the Settlers of Kaalgur league mechanic activities (anything gold/ore related).

If you run a full simulacrums (which is an end game activity) you get about 10k gold coins but you spent around 15 minutes, if you are very efficient, for those coins.

Huge disparity from what you get with simple not even juiced mapping on T16 for the time invested. Those gold coins from simulacrum are not enough to sustain mappers, disenchanters, ships, etc. You might sustain one activity at a snail pace but you're not really able to sustain much.

IMO since simulacrums require a huge time investment on top of a huge gear/dps check they should be more rewarding coin-wise and also with some amount of ores.

Please review the time/reward ratio for simulacrum enjoyers. Sucks to not run content you like since it punishes you out of engaging with the league mechanic.

For comparisons sake, I can get about 200k gold coins per 15 mins of T16 mapping or get 10k gold coins per 15 mins of a single full Simulacrum run. While mapping we also get ores, chance at seer. Loot disparity aside (maps are way more rewarding if you know what you're doing), we are giving up on effectively playing the league we want to engage with simulacrums.

Last edited by Razzenit on Sep 11, 2024, 2:44:10 PM
Last bumped on Sep 11, 2024, 3:32:41 PM
simulacrum is just side content same as some other content.
Not sure where all the fomo is coming from this league but doing side content always locked you out of map specific league mechanics and this league ain't really any different.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho

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