Ruthless Feedback and suggestion 3.25

Great thanks to GGG that addressed almost all my suggestions each patches.

Here are the suggestions this league.

This league is we called inflation league since time gated resources generating boost currencies in ruthless. It is good in term of currency, but it is unhealthy to player base. There are larger player base that only play 1 hour per day, vs the time gated event is every 30 min. Make the whales dominated the economy. Economy in ruthless is already weak enough. So for further time gated event, its always better to make it 12-24 hour once instead of every 30 min.

The current ruthless problem is about why ruthless exists. I would assume ruthless is the original POE feels that feels like dry aged steak compare to the bench league POE feels like burger king. It is more like half SSF half trade rarest resources and items amount players. So most problems come from the small and unstapled player base. For examples, if one of the whale decides to quit the league, maybe 10% of economy is gone with him. The real time currency exchange helps a bit on the slow economy, but it can help more. Maybe allow player to list all currency while offline.

The second thing to boost the player base is the differentiation between game is hard or game is frustrating. A good example is in ruthless, maven is hard t17 is hard, but its fun. However, while have no voidstone, running out of maps is frustrating. For pro players, it will happen a few times that require players to farm all t8 then t9 etc to boost map pool of t14+. I consider it frustrating. I would say player can enjoy staying in yellow maps due to lack of power, but not lack of maps. I would suggest, player should be able to sustain maps either by investing in alta tree alone or having all voidstone.

Then about the game.

1. Master missions are big problems. Back to 3.23, it was all good. In 3.24 master missions becomes spawn only and in ruthless it counts toward an event. That makes investing in atla tree with league contents makes no sense due to blocking all other contents only make master mission spawn more often not the league machine we plan to spawn.

Solution would be, either master missions are blockable, or it does not count as an event.

2. Lack of monsters. Each time I run a map, there will always be a place or many place where in the next 2 screens spaces there is no monster at all due to lack of monster density. It feels bad, because playing POE is about kill monsters. Reduce loot is fine, No point to reduce monsters.

3. Amount of currency. This is purely just suggestions. I feel the average amount of currency a player can farm with all alta investment should be 2-3 alteration per map, 0.5 alc per map. Reaching this level would allow player to plan for new build once they get all voidstone, and ready to challenge t17 and ubers. This is very important. As mentioned above, whale quits will destroy economy, and the way to let whale stay is giving them hope to start to plan for a new char to play with. What stops them right now is if they will be able to craft for better gears to fit in end game build. This league is a good example, ruthless last way longer due to more currency. ( a little bit too much)

4. Filter should be able to hide.

5. Quick step, please make it like a 10sec cd flamedash. I really hate how it will stop moving while encounter with anything even include my own minion.

6. Atziri is so hard to access. For the fear completion, it will take over 2000 maps specifically for atziri, isnt that too much.

Otherwise, ruthless is never better, we all love it.
Last bumped on Sep 10, 2024, 4:13:15 PM
You know what would solve every single problem you describe in ruthless?

Not playing ruthless.
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
Isnt this what you signed up for? I dont understand your feedback or complaints at all

Why not just play a private league or ssf if you want something easier
“Not a single item of importance [in the news]. A tower of illusion, all of it, made of illusory bricks and full of holes. If life were made up only of important things, it really would be a dangerous house of glass...So everybody, knowing the meaninglessness of existence, sets his compass to home.”
Isnt this what you signed up for? I dont understand your feedback or complaints at all

Why not just play a private league or ssf if you want something easier

Bro I am one of the whale, top 10 players :).
Last edited by VanishBLU on Sep 10, 2024, 2:38:04 PM
VanishBLU wrote:
Isnt this what you signed up for? I dont understand your feedback or complaints at all

Why not just play a private league or ssf if you want something easier

Bro I am one of the whale, top 10 players :).

Is that supost to be a flex?
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
VanishBLU wrote:
Isnt this what you signed up for? I dont understand your feedback or complaints at all

Why not just play a private league or ssf if you want something easier

Bro I am one of the whale, top 10 players :).
Sorry, who?

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