Lost 50 million shipment

Entered the portal to rescue and clicked on it again inside on accident while loading. 10 days of farming gone for nothing, a mistake that everybody does once in a while. This is not being hardcore and unforgiving, this is just annoying. Please remove this portal inside, why does it even exist if you can't leave the fighting arena anyway during the encounter?

Last edited by Ourore on Sep 8, 2024, 2:10:09 AM
Last bumped on Sep 8, 2024, 6:11:15 AM
Not to mention a full crew of 10 lvl sailors gone as I can't even ransom now. This is just league quitting bs
Your screenshots aren't visible but for sure this is a good reason, maybe not to quit league, but to rage post... I would barely do the same. I think I posted some bad stuff early league which was even removed by moderation after i got badly spanked by T17 bosses.

On the other hand I dont understand, i did alot, really alot, of rescues... And never a single time had any kind of issue clicking this portal, but...

Maybe the spawning point should be in a small rounded space instead of a vertical corridor, and so on the portal could be positionned North East or West of the character.

Have a nice day.
Screenshots are of shipment value and grey "rescue" screen after I went out of the portal.

My point is that you spawn on the portal that leads you out of the dungeon and closes the encounter which haven't even started. For what? In case somebody changed their mind and decided to get rid of the whole crew (ransom is unavailable as well)? I'm sure this happened to other people, but for me it happened to be the biggest shipment I've been grinding for for more than a week.

So yeah I'm incredibly salty rn. But my post is not for pity, but for pointing out design flaw that can be corrected easily - don't close the portal if encounter hasn't started or remove the portal inside until the encounter is completed. DC can still screw you over, but at least it's not an intentional mechanic unlike the portal.

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