Can we fix the lightning in this game, please?

Probably one of the worst legacy features of the initial game where light or brightness (or rather the lack thereof) was intended to have in game consequences, but except for one rather ordinary unique map and a handful of mediocre unique items it doesn't have any impact.

Well, except on players actually enjoying the game.

I get it, PoE is supposed to be a dark and gritty game (hello super bright MTX, what are you doing here?) but there's a difference between "atmospheric" and "I can't actually tell if there's something sitting in that corner of the room".

This has really been brought home this league when I activate the Bismuth Deposit in a map. Suddenly there's light! The maps are so much more enjoyable when lit like this!

How about a compromise GG? Just give us a brightness slider in our Options. Those that want DC dark can have it, and those that would like to see the effort the designers put into some maps can also enjoy that. What do you say, is it time to drag this game forward to the late 20th century?
Last bumped on Sep 8, 2024, 4:29:13 AM
Is it really that bad? The only time I've noticed this to be a problem is if i'm playing a low life build and underground somewhere like delve. Seems like it goes a bit beyond a game mechanic in those cases where it's trying to impact players eyes sight.

I know a lot of people are mentioning this about Bismuth but I haven't noticed it to be bad myself.
Belegur85 wrote:
Is it really that bad? The only time I've noticed this to be a problem is if i'm playing a low life build and underground somewhere like delve. Seems like it goes a bit beyond a game mechanic in those cases where it's trying to impact players eyes sight.

I know a lot of people are mentioning this about Bismuth but I haven't noticed it to be bad myself.

What Aldora is saying is that the base game dark/indoor areas are awful (they are, can't see squat a lot of the time, one needs to play in a darkened room to even have half a chance), but when you hit the Bismuth it transforms into something really nice, as you can now see!!

Bismuth-level light gets my vote.

I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
I see, so the Bismuth actually lights up shadowed corners? I hadn't noticed, perhaps I'm not paying attention. I knew it was doing something, just couldn't identify what it was actually doing. I thought people were complaining about it getting darker. I don't really notice much of a difference either way, probably bad eye sight (and reading).
Last edited by Belegur85 on Sep 8, 2024, 4:31:17 AM

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