Keep currency exchange please.

I haven't played path of exile in years. Mainly because I have had 3 kids in the last few years. Time became more sensitive. I thoroughly enjoyed this league, mainly because I did not have to spend 3 minutes looking up fragments to buy on the trade site after messaging a dozen people only to filter out price fixers. The currency exchange definitely helps!

Keep it up GGG!
Last bumped on Sep 10, 2024, 4:00:29 PM

And I hope GGG will expand this system to include things like maps and invitations.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
yeah, ignoring the first 10 fake offers on trade was really stressing my intelligence and patience. soooo annoying, soo difficult. and you had to deal with people, eeeeks!

god bless that i now have only two markets to check which one is more pricefixed and manipulated than the other and gives worse rates for my intended trade.


i don't wanna know how much currency players make by using tools which let them easily abuse the different trade ratios on both markets.

what i wanna know is, how many people use the auto trade at all.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
vio wrote:

what i wanna know is, how many people use the auto trade at all.

I'd be interested to hear this too. How many different people actually traded using the CE?

I mean...of course it will increase the longer the CE exists in the game because trade will naturally shift to the easier medium, unless it somehow "breaks" in some way.

But I also feel some of your points....I currently HATE using the CE. Price fixing and inflation is NUTS this league for lower tier currency, because it flips so fast that effects that would normally take days to happen, only take hours or even minutes now. Even in the span of time it takes creating a single trade, the "suggested" price can fluctuate as much as 25% or even larger.
i did some trades for testing it, thought i used good rates after watching the ratios go up and down and then my shit sold so fast that i felt ripped cause i could have gone way more towards my advantage.

the abuse scenario for those types of tech usually is that groups of whealthy players place huge bets on one single
currency trade (selling div for chaos for example) and then mass buy off all other trades (for divs) so that their trades are the only ones left, then they switch to the oher side and sell chaos for divs.

the less currency is in the pool the easier the market is manipulated back and forth. and since trades cost gold, i guess many players dont trade at all.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Bought for like ~200 divines of the same card earlier in league: noticed I was able to buy them for ~10% less than default ratio minus a little bit of patience, from minutes up to like 30-45 minutes.
It was truely advantageous for a very small amount of gold (unlike the conversion mirror shard => chaos, as example...).
Often i ended up breaking stocks so the deals finalized while i was offline and everything was back to normal the next day.
It's not a perfect system but it allows to avoid major mistakes for new players. Very useful.

A missclick can be catastrophic :) UI must be seriously improved. Should look like the Kingsmarch mamagement UI maybe?
Imo the CE is the best thing GGG added to the game in years.

I've never used that many scarabs and essences as I did this league, because it's so damn convenient. I bought around 6000 Essences of Contempt so far and there is no way I would have done that with the old system.

The same goes for selling, it's so much easier and faster to make ur map drops liquid. Even if u lose a little bit of value, u make that up in speed.

For the price fixing, I really only noticed it with Tattoos, but if u're experienced with the system it's pretty easy to spot. There's certainly some more QoL they could introduce to make it more visible like showing more competing offers than just 5. Sometimes those 5 will get spammed by 1 off offers and u can't see the real value right away.
jsuslak313 wrote:
vio wrote:

what i wanna know is, how many people use the auto trade at all.

I'd be interested to hear this too. How many different people actually traded using the CE?

I mean...of course it will increase the longer the CE exists in the game because trade will naturally shift to the easier medium, unless it somehow "breaks" in some way.

But I also feel some of your points....I currently HATE using the CE. Price fixing and inflation is NUTS this league for lower tier currency, because it flips so fast that effects that would normally take days to happen, only take hours or even minutes now. Even in the span of time it takes creating a single trade, the "suggested" price can fluctuate as much as 25% or even larger.

I recognized that the ratios on certain items would be off, exploitable whatever. I still used the CE religiously. The only time i didnt use it what when i was out of gold for whatever reason.

Did i lose some divs? Probably. But i bet i more than made up for the time lost and sanity i would've lost dealing with the trade website. Like everything else in this game convenience comes at a cost.
Taelis wrote:
jsuslak313 wrote:
vio wrote:

what i wanna know is, how many people use the auto trade at all.

I'd be interested to hear this too. How many different people actually traded using the CE?

I mean...of course it will increase the longer the CE exists in the game because trade will naturally shift to the easier medium, unless it somehow "breaks" in some way.

But I also feel some of your points....I currently HATE using the CE. Price fixing and inflation is NUTS this league for lower tier currency, because it flips so fast that effects that would normally take days to happen, only take hours or even minutes now. Even in the span of time it takes creating a single trade, the "suggested" price can fluctuate as much as 25% or even larger.

I recognized that the ratios on certain items would be off, exploitable whatever. I still used the CE religiously. The only time i didnt use it what when i was out of gold for whatever reason.

Did i lose some divs? Probably. But i bet i more than made up for the time lost and sanity i would've lost dealing with the trade website. Like everything else in this game convenience comes at a cost.

Exactly, I'll always use Faustus to trade anything he can trade for me from now on. In no other league have I made so much chaos and divines as this one. Before I was too lazy to sell my random scarabs and essences to players, but now I can with just 1 click. I don't mind if I'm losing 10 or 20 or 30% of the profits, it's still better than using the trade site lol. Hope they add stuff like maps,forbidden tomes etc. to it and even equippable items eventually.

would be nice if we could buy maps and invitations also. having to buy invitations one by one for the 3000 invitation challenge was super annoying.
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Sep 9, 2024, 3:56:46 PM

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