Regarding the issue of account theft

At present, account theft is rampant on various platforms, and has even formed a related industry chain. Account theft not only causes losses to players' game assets, but also leads to some players directly AFK. It is recommended to add second level passwords to equipment, characters, and currency related operations in the game to avoid these problems. I hope GGG can see my suggestion
Last bumped on Sep 7, 2024, 7:43:46 PM
Some people make their entire living off this game, Sadly often at the expense of others.

Most apps these days wont allow a new device to take over your account without a lengthy process, they should update their stuff even if its just how you suggested.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 7, 2024, 2:10:43 AM
They will never do this any more than they would cut off 100% of RMT and bots with RealID type verification and 2 factor. The technology to do this is trivial these days. But they and other game dev companies will not do this for "reasons".

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