dear trade site guy

can you add a option to filter out catalyst items, item mods by tiers, tattoo by mods and make wisper not time out after 5s.

please and thank you.
Last edited by Di_Generics on Sep 6, 2024, 5:22:02 PM
Last bumped on Sep 6, 2024, 7:08:33 PM
I just hope they add Faustus into the core game and add all items in the game to him so we can stop having to whisper 50 people for some random item. They said themselves in the reveal livestream for settlers of kalguur that they wanted to make uniques and stuff also tradeable on this AH currency market system, so I think it's only a matter of time till we get a full-on auction house but the prices would obviously still be currency orbs set by the players. And it can't come any sooner lol

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