Abandon Shipment made me lose 50m ressources

Right now, if you abandon a sent shipment, you will lose all ressources. Why is that? It is not intuitive at all^^ I would expect the ship to return to my harbour with all the ressources contained. Is there a particular reason for this or did I maybe find something that can actually be improved upon? :)

Last bumped on Sep 7, 2024, 7:21:49 PM
Similar concern,
I sent my shipment out with 33M and the timer is not running. I have the option to only abandon the shipment so i'd lose the resource as it seems bugged.
Well, they told us in the trailer before the league even started what would happen if u abandon. But, sry if this happened to you. Certainly frustrating.
Last edited by Strickl3r on Sep 7, 2024, 6:50:23 PM
My bottom ship sometimes just defaults back to nothing after i send a shipment. it acts lik eit was never sent in the first place.

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