Make A PvP Client, Engine, LAN, (Network?) -- even just a Prototype

The biggest Gain from this would be the opportunity to make a much better Code-Base and have something Playable with perhaps a Pay-Gate (Accounts must have bought points to play is a good one).

Whatever learned and made there can probably be used for an improved version of PoE (PvE).

LAN would be great for console and PC LANs . . or just for developing in-house.

The best part is there is not much obligation involved, the Devs (You?) can just make something with 60 FPS on ~2020 Office PCs, lower graphic development, and let the character fantasy & progression help bring things together.

Make sure to test every piece of-- every change to code to make it more efficient on the Low Level PLEASE. Just test the shit out of it. Full on Engineer Mode. Macro & Micro stuff. Research. Please.

It's at least a Research Project and thats big Research Points.

Just look at Warcraft 3, Starcraft/2, MOBAs, and Battle Royales and you get a sense of pace and scale, quality and features to generally work within. I think the pace of Path of Exile is way too 'zoomy' in most cases so even a slower base speed could be good. Truly a Research Project.

Add inertia, time to change it up. Turning inertia and straight up inertia to movement start & end. Look into it I bet there's a German explaining his 2 optimizations to acceleration/decel & turning in his game engine. Attributes & movement speed changing inertia, base character inertia, time to put your hands in the machine. Hamburger. No hamburger?

> Generic Character Identity -- hence Playstyle . Treat each character like its own genre.
> Start Level 1 every Match, End at Level 40
> Resources & Non-Player Enemies to fight
> 1v1, 3v3, 5v5 Map(s)
> Standardized Items to buy or collect at Level 3+
> Innate ability(s), attack(s), movement(s), attribute progression

< After 1 - 2 Months have something very playable in-house with perhaps . . . released footage???? For fun. Controller support even . . BEST on controller. Very chill, good vibes.

Last edited by Dylan_Schreiner on Sep 6, 2024, 5:29:38 AM
Last bumped on Sep 6, 2024, 12:57:02 PM
There is no practical solution to making something better except a project to become better as devs.

The areas needing work is in the code-base, PvP, character identity/playstyle, movement, pace, and scale in various senses of the word.
Last edited by Dylan_Schreiner on Sep 6, 2024, 5:41:57 AM
Oh boy another Dylan_Schreiber suggestion, another hard pass.

The biggest Gain from this would be the opportunity to make a much better Code-Base and have something Playable with perhaps a Pay-Gate (Accounts must have bought points to play is a good one).
There is nothing to be gained except burning money. (also lmao @ pay gate for PoE PvP, good one mate.)

Whatever learned and made there can probably be used for an improved version of PoE (PvE).
No. The improved version of PoE is available to play in November and it won't be a scuffed attempt at forcing PvP into an APRG, a genre that thrives on killing enemies for loot.

Just look at Warcraft 3, Starcraft/2, MOBAs, and Battle Royales and you get a sense of pace and scale, quality and features to generally work within. I think the pace of Path of Exile is way too 'zoomy' in most cases so even a slower base speed could be good. Truly a Research Project.
What you call a research project already happened. Real resources were used on it. It had a public release, we played it - it was shit. Hence why it isn't available anymore.

< After 1 - 2 Months have something very playable in-house with perhaps . . . released footage???? For fun. Controller support even . . BEST on controller. Very chill, good vibes.

There is no practical solution to making something better except a project to become better as devs.

The areas needing work is in the code-base, PvP, character identity/playstyle, movement, pace, and scale in various senses of the word.

Well then, get to work and convince us otherwise. I'll wait.

No thanks.
Last edited by Ulsarek on Sep 6, 2024, 6:39:00 AM

You linked "Royale League" which appears to run in the PoE client and "without custom balance" (their words), made in 1 day as an April Fools joke.
You seem to be trying to pass it off as a legitimate attempt by GGG just to have something to say.
I do not know if you just want to trash on GGG or what-- I do not think you like GGG. You should be less angry about change.

I am not sure what you are asking convincing on because it doesn't seem to me there is anything to convince you on. Maybe something spiritual?

I also have not suggested that PoE 2 become a PvP game.

You linked "Royale League" which appears to run in the PoE client and "without custom balance" (their words), made in 1 day as an April Fools joke.
You seem to be trying to pass it off as a legitimate attempt by GGG just to have something to say.

1. There was no "Royale League"
2. It became a dedicated mode in 2021, boasting a pvp-exclusive skill tree and items
3. No matter how much you twist the narrative, this was a legitimate attempt by GGG
4. Players abandoned it after a few days because PvP in PoE, despite the efforts on GGG's behalf, is trash
5. Be realistic. They won't make a PvP custom client, less alone maintain it, when previous attempts failed

Have you even watched the official video by GGG?

You seem to respond without actually engaging into your own discussion just to have something to say. With that being said, your armchair dev suggestions have no weight or merit anyway so I'll just leave it at that.
Separating the PVP into its own client or game mode seems like a great idea to be honest, most games that try to bridge PVE with PVP don't do well but the ones that recognize the difficulty sometimes create a separation from one and the other allowing for example PVP to be balanced for (PVP) without affecting the core PVE game experience.

Preferably i'd like to see it become a part of the game like it used to be but that ship has sailed a long time ago before we had so many acts the game had already become difficult to consider pvp anything more than a fun side activity to see who could spawn kill the other people the most or kill the spawn killer.

Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Sep 6, 2024, 10:02:24 AM

I looked at an interview and instead of 1 day they put in 6 days in the later attempt you linked.

I am realistic as I see most of the value is in making a technically excellent code-base and in thinking about presentation, playstyle, and pace of the game at a fundamental level (freedom to broad stroke rather than bound to small adjustments) -- this includes graphics and the fidelity of Information, ease of navigation of UI, sensory over/under whelming ness, since it would be from scratch.

To be fair this might require more research than execution, involving 1-2 people spending some time for a month looking at the PoE code-base, looking for opportunities and formulating research questions.

If there is no Vibe there is no Live . Success requires more perspective.

There is definitely a time to gain distance from a familiar formula & product ; a new code-base shouldn't try and achieve the same thing (Path of Exile) for the sake of mental space & liberation. It is a slim prototype so who cares. At the point where the prototype is made then is the time to consider what direction to go, whether its to sleep on it or plan on something.

I'm not suggesting a massive money sink. It's probably better to put a few people full-time on it for 1.5 months after easing into it part-time for 1 month. Whoever is closest to being qualified and ready to go for that sort of thing.
Last edited by Dylan_Schreiner on Sep 6, 2024, 10:38:30 AM
You're missing the point. It doesn't matter how much time or resources they put into it. The code base could be the most pristine, structured and documented piece of software on earth. None of that changes the fact that no one gives a fuck about PoE PvP and thus it isn't worth it. GGG knows this. This isn't the gotcha idea you think it is. Never will be, PvP evolved past arpgs two decades ago.
What are their Key evolutions?

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