Can we get some love for standard?

Yet another bump of my thread for some standard love. Every league we get QoL but we don't get the most anticipated QoL on standard, which is being able to buy new stash tabs, that's why i'm reposting yet again my take on buying stash tabs.

Hello long time Standard player here, i would like to point out the problem with buying stash tabs with intention of Standard league. Currently whenever you buy a extra stash tabs your remove-only stash tabs will become a permanent ones on Standard league, i know it's intended mechanic that people wanted GGG to introduce but it would be nice for GGG to add option while buying stash tabs to choose if you want to convert remove-only stash tabs into permanent ones or add a fresh ones.

Whenever i run out of space in stash tabs in Standard league and i feel like buying extra stash tabs it feels like it's not worth since i would end up with "new" stash tabs chosen from one of filled remove-only stash tabs, without a space. It feels like i'm limited to a number of stash tabs only because i enjoy both playing temporary leagues and standard permanent league.

My idea would be to have a button while buying stash tabs that would allow to switch between upgrading remove-only tabs or adding a new ones on Standard league. Elementarily the option would be set to upgrading remove-only tabs to permanent ones and you would have to switch it to adding new ones manually.

Currently for me i feel like buying new stash tabs with intention of extra space for Standard league is waste of money, the option mentined above would not make any change for the players that wants to upgrade remove-only stash tabs to permanent ones and i can for sure tell that a lot of people that are feeling similar to me that are playing actively on Standard league and are running out of space would appreciate the feature.

Buying tabs and deleting/vendoring the items i want to keep in my remove-only stash tabs is not a solution to the problem. The solution i provided above would not create any negative experience for the current players that focus on temporary leagues but provide solution for the players focused on standard league experience.
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 1:39:00 PM

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