POE2 - Why are we only seeing low level stuff?

GGG knows that the players of Path of exile love it when the characters are strong, fast and look incredible.

GGG knows that people love to make simple crafts. And some are very interested in being able to do deep crafts.

So the question is, why do we see NOTHING of it?
It's like GGG doesn't want the old players with POE2. It's like GGG just wants to catch a new audience with POE2.

The problem is, the new audience they are trying to attract has no interest in playing the game in the long term.
See Diablo 4.

And yes, the POE1 trailers also mostly show low-level bullshit.
But these trailers are not for a new game.
I wish we could see some endgame stuff, a craft or two, some insane APS scaled attacks. Nice movement speeds... crazy AOEs. Something.
Last bumped on Sep 5, 2024, 3:52:30 AM
Kaukus1 wrote:
So the question is, why do we see NOTHING of it?

Isn't it not obvious? Everyone who is playing PoE will try PoE2. No need to waste time on us.

Kaukus1 wrote:
The problem is, the new audience they are trying to attract has no interest in playing the game in the long term.

What a statement, lol. I am sure people in marketing have some background.
On Probation Any%
It makes a lot of sense.....the way the game is developed is from the beginning, onward. The easy answer is that the endgame isn't fleshed out yet. The most powerful items are still in the imagination of the developers.

PoE 1 released with 3 acts, repeated 3x at different difficulties. There wasn't much variation in itemization: tri resist + life was mirror-tier. 99% of builds were just as slow at the endgame as they were in the beginning (or there was far less difference). THAT is why most teasers for PoE 1 were the early-game....because that was the game at the time.

You seem to think that the game will be "finished" when the beta starts.....which can't be further from the truth. They have ideas, but most aren't implemented yet or will be rolled out bit by bit. The beta will be YEARS long.

Even with games like Diablo 3 and Diablo 4....the early videos were wildly inaccurate representations of what the game ended being at first release. D3 gameplay videos were NOTHING like the game, and the first "release" of the game to the public only had gameplay up to the Skeleton King, and a max level of something like 15. Last Epoch had zero endgame footage or even gameplay when the beta began.

It's just the way games are developed......they aren't thinking about the end, they are thinking about graphics, mechanics, and systems at the most minimal level to make sure it works.
Most likely because it's not all there.

Also, if they were to show end-game characters moving at half the speed of PoE it would turn off some player interest without having actually tried it and seen it's purpose.

To this day Diablo 1 remains one of the best thoughtful tactic/positioning ARPGs because the movement is normalized. You don't always have the option to run away. You can't just charge into a barrage of arrows. You often use the map itself as part of fighting.

I actually dislike seeing movement speed on boots in the example of gear. I think it's a pointless affix because it's such a priority to the point you might as well not have it.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Xzorn wrote:

I actually dislike seeing movement speed on boots in the example of gear. I think it's a pointless affix because it's such a priority to the point you might as well not have it.

Not that it really has anything to do with the thread....but I disagree with this because there are so many builds that don't care about movement speed on boots. Like....a lot of them. It is a "popular" boot mod, but it isn't pointless. Just like how crit multi is a "popular" damage mod whenever you can get it, or physical damage is a "popular" mod on weapons.
If we had no movement skills, and no other movement speed buffs elsewhere in the game, then yes it is a "pointless" mod. But because there are choices and differentiated builds, it remains an important mod in the pool

Totally agree with your point about how showing endgame could turn off existing playerbase. GGG wants to market to anyone and everyone: it would be rather dumb to only cater to existing players, and it would be rather dumb to only cater to new players. They need to strike a balance, and not falling into a D3/D4 advertisement trap.....where the endgame changes so much before release that it becomes unrecognizable from the advertisements.
JR has said that the game won’t go open beta/early access (which ever term you prefer) unless it’s the full core game, he has said this several times in several different interviews. We can only assume this is still the case.

What I suspect is they are only showing early stuff for two reasons, one they don’t want too much ‘spoilers’ and two they don’t know how much builds will power us up yet (they will have some ideas from the tiny sample of testers and their own experimentation but we always find ways they didn’t anticipate)

I am expecting a full ‘standard’ league game that will be further fleshed out with some older league mechanics and a league mechanic at launch date.

Mostly been said by JR with a little speculation on my part, fingers crossed right :)
Last edited by Timbo Zero on Sep 5, 2024, 3:53:09 AM

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