Too much farming for invites

The one thing I have always thought this game did wrong. Being forced to grind map after map just to farm a boss 1 time is super boring and i wish they would fix this aspect of the game so it would actually be fun to farm these bosses.

With this system for years and years I have chosen to ignore fragments and just sell them, not even caring about one of the main things in an arpg, boss farming, because the farming of fragments is just so tedious and boring it ruins boss farming.
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 6:19:43 AM
This system is actually better, imo. Just being able to teleport to a boss encounter gets old very very fast. Only problem is when stuff is priced around Uber Content and you would make a significant minus compared to just selling them if you run them non uber for funsies. That's a little bit feelbad but you could still decide to just do it...
Also the maven node on the atlas tree makes it kind of worth it if you mainly run the maps and then after a while you just throw in some Elders/Shapers/Awakeners and maybe even non uber Mavens... That is and ok thing to do in this game as far as i am concerned^^

btw: Maybe you spend to much time in your Boss maps. Try to run them more focused wihtout time consuming league mechanics where you have to stop and do encounters and you will have inv in no time, they will be piling up...
Last edited by Strickl3r on Sep 4, 2024, 6:24:16 AM

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