
Almost all streamers would play a ruthless mode that was just the normal game with the current ruthless drop rates, but no ascendency changes, and so on.

Some of the ruthless changes are pretty cool like the iconic 'all damage can poison' assassin, the recoup on the occultist... stuff like this is amazing and powerful, and most ruthless players don't fully take advantage of it. So I think the 'full ruthless' is interesting, disabling div cards, and lots of other power creep, then adding back in power in significant places where it can shine and stand out. Love that idea. But movement skills ? You lose 90% of players taking that away.

And the balance is all over the place. Glad didn't get gutted ascendency this league, so many many people are playing glad.

So many people are tired of spending 1/4 their time walking from point a to b. Getting movement speed is a must in ruthless, and then a flame dash dagger from heist, otherwise you are just slow and bored.
You get enough power to clear t16 on shitty gear, and then farm for ages, but that farm is so slow mostly because of move speed.

Usually each league has some way for us to create gear without crafting bench, and we rely on this. Otherwise it's delve for fossils for best chances. But POE is _ALL ABOUT CRAFTING_. I want a bench league that has reduced drop rates, so finding that perfect base is very impactful. With normal beast crafting in place, but perhaps finding the rare beasts is even rarer. The normal league Goratha yesterday got 6 black morrigans in one map. It's disgusting. Normal league just showers players in everything. I, and many others, want a POE that has all the mechanics in place, but doesn't just feed us feasts in every single map, but makes us work for it a bit.

If there were ways to create private leagues with reduced quant/rarity, or perhaps even use the atlas passive tree from ruthless, but without the content spawn rate of ruthless, without the missing movement skills and crafting bench, and div cards, and all that.. I think it would be a very fun game to play and many people would choose such a league to play in.
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2024, 12:32:03 AM

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