Shipping and Dust

I really enjoy this league after a long drought, but this is starting to annoy me, especially after watching the new ZiggyD video about it.

Major pain points:

1. Shipping 50 million to have truly rewarding experiences is nearly impossible for "normal" players, as dust has no multiplier anymore. The quantity of resources needed to reach this is either in no-lifer/streamer territory or for botters.
2. More efficient, if you can't get 50mill points, is sending 2 bars of Verisium somewhere and gambling on smaller but steady profits. I must admit I had multiple Div cards in my stacked decks from the Karui Port.

That's it—either don't play it as intended or overachieve with grind. There seems to be no middle ground for consistent and fun engagement.

The dust should come back as a multiplier and stronger, and the mid-league change was bad. I can accumulate about 100-200k dust a day with about 4 hours of relaxing play, but not millions upon millions.

And don't get me started on gold.

The mechanic is now tailored for no-lifers and streamers who easily accumulate large amounts of gold/dust, while anybody else is left in the dust(Haha) and doesn't have a truly fun time with the mechanics when you see how it works in the background.

And the fact that a 4-hour shipment to Kalgur has little to no impact on the outcome is a very bad oversight and needs to be reworked. The trip alone should be a multiplier to value and outcome!
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2024, 4:37:27 AM
So you mean another league mechanic was nerfbatted into the ground from orbit so that only the TRUE HARDCORE DEVOTED players could enjoy it? The same players for which this game is designed?

Working as intended

Do you think I can put thamaturgic dust grinding on my resume?
It's crazy that you directly referenced the ziggy d video, but clearly didn't watch it.

He definitely says in the video more than once that casual players should be sending seven hundred thousand value to average one divine every two shipments.
I think Kingsmarch is fine as presented for casual players IF:

One doesn't expect to grind amazing loot from it constantly. Once those Port requests get stupid high, don't let it discourage you. Just fill them gradually, all the while grinding out commodities and dust slowly over time. Kingsmarch may be the league, but it isn't the whole game. Occasionally put a halt to all gold expenditures and let it accumulate to buy the upgrades you want, then resume production.

If you're not printing Divines and Mirror Shards 24/7, learn to appreciate what you do get. There's decent gear (including uniques) to use or to disenchant, plentiful lower-tier currency, tattoos, and Runes for weapon crafting.

Realistic expectations lead to more satisfaction. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Ppl expectations are the source of dissapointment.
If the graph he shows is true the nerf is effectlively like 50% less divines from small shipments. Every 5th-6th shipment was a divine before the patch with very little crops(~500 each) Now the same small shipments would be every 10-12th shipment on average as shown in Ziggy's graph in the video.(if the data in the vid is actually meaningful which is not proven). A completely unnessecary nerf for no good reason if you just interpret it like that, so some complains were in order.

But there is still so much breathing room. Like it is shown in the video you can farm scarabs. But you can also just farm stacked decks. Everybody likes to open stacked decks for a chance to hit big, no? All you need to send is 1 bar, 2 crops 3 dust, you'll get 3-9 stacked decks. Now you know it, have fun gambling if you have the time to send ships every 40ish minutes^^

Also if you would focus on playing maps 3 out of your 4 hours playtime you would have no gold issues unless you reroll for lvl 10 workers all the time.

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