Idea for a new skill gem

Hi. I just had an idea pop into my head for PoE 1. I think a REALLY cool gem to put in the game would be an active blocking skill gem. Just a single gem that lets you hold up your shield and block more damage. Maybe a couple of support gems for like reduced critical chance on you or physical / spell reflect.

I think it is a neat idea and way to introduce active blocking into poe 1 for those willing to spend the gem slot on it :) I know a lot of people probably think the game is easy enough, but I wouldn't mind it for helping out newer players some.

Where I see myself using it personally is leveling my righteous fire chieftain as a way of getting up close and personal in combat and feel safer doing so as I have ascendency talents that give me more damage for sitting still... although I don't think you ever really WANT to be sitting still. BUT if I had an active blocking ability, I would feel safer lol

I want it to help people survive the big slam abilities on bosses. I have the regen to recover quickly if I get hit real hard... so maybe part of its skill gem ability prevents 1 shots from those big slams. Not to trivialize the content, you HAVE to be actively blocking when it hits or you will still die. But that is a very easy and straight forward counter to it and would really make me feel better on hardcore having an active way to defend myself.

Even if it cost resource we could lifetap it and I probably have the regen to handle it and allow me to channel my block for longer. I think it could be really cool ability to put into the game. HOW it exactly works is not really for me to decide.. there are way smarter people who know way better than me, but I do really think it's a cool idea and a good way to get active blocking into PoE 1. And you have that beautiful OPTION to go down if you wanted!
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2024, 7:10:21 PM
so hold a button to block? kind of op don't u think so? maybe that's why u want it? xD
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Well lol im not sure the best way to do it. But no I don't mean 1 button invincibility.. just increased survival. Maybe preventing 1 shots is a bad choice of words because if you get hit hard enough it should probably still kill you.. and you shouldn't be able to just join the hardest content in the game and hold up a shield and survive everything. That certainly isn't my intention with the idea lol I have no clue how it would need to be balanced. Somewhere between how I described it and how you took it lol

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