
The fact that synthesis items drop from everything else other than 5 Unique Synthesis maps is incomprehensible.
Personally I would love to see bringing those items back to Synthesis content ONLY...
Meaning they would not drop in Ritual, Heist, Delve or any other mechanic I might have missed.
Or maybe adding a Synthesis Influence to atlas or scarabs would be a better option.
On top of that I would remove Synthesis Implicit Beastcraft, which in my opinion is too powerful when combined WITH Imprint Beastcraft.
I would love to see that replaced with Synthesiser (Recombinator for Synth implicits) with reasonable odds. Maybe it sounds that 3 perfect implicits would be easier to obtain, but it would also mean there's a possibility of loosing a good one.
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2024, 1:04:57 PM
Ya this change didnt make sense to me. I think its just them forcing the rare synth implicits to be more rare. Also with destructive play map farming it would probably make most single synth items that drop in ritual/heist/legion/feared worthless.

It is a bit annoying to have to lock in to something like ritual to farm your synth bases in ssf but it at least forces you to diversify your farming strats.

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