Creative way of learning boss encounters


In current state of the game attending some endgame bosses is very expensive and usually unrewarding in a small sample. For most people it will also end with miserable death and no way to practice the encounter cause of steep entry price.

It would be really nice if we could actualy practice the fights.

What about a new npc / mechanic that will let us make a 'virtual copy' of the fight (with some item attached and needed to drop - exactly the same as vials for the pantheon). Attending any fight with the virtual recreator would let players play any boss arena in the 'virtual' world.

These fights would drop nothing and would only be there to let us practice and learn boss mechanics. Even better they could actualy drop the loot but make it impossible to take. Imagine seeing awakened multi drop and think 'omg - now i can do it on the real one!'.

For now some people will never see this content because its way more reasonable to sell the parts instead of fighting the boss yourself (knowing you will most likely fail miserably).

Gating content creates that elitist feel for those who can actualy farm it but also ruins the experience for average ppl.

In vanilla wow i had a retri paladin (which was very rare back in the day, as paladin was meant to heal...). Wielding a 2h mace might of menethil that dropped from last boss of the final instance Naxx. It was so rare that i've never seen any other on pvp zones. It felt great for me but was it motivating for other players to try to reach that content? I doubt it. They will just accept that they will never make it and that sucks.

What do you guys think about this?
Last edited by PKCoiloversPL on Aug 29, 2024, 2:33:34 AM
Last bumped on Aug 29, 2024, 2:31:31 AM

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