Multiple Map Devices in One Guild Hideout.

Wouldn't it be nice if multiple guild members could be in the same hideout, doing maps on individual map devices? Would it be possible to add this to guild hideouts?

When the boys and I are playing, we're always on Discord, chatting a lot but never seeing each other in-game, even though we're usually working on the same things (Atlas completion, atlas strats, etc.). We rarely map together simply because it's not profitable at the moment.

With a guild hideout where we could have up to 5 map devices, we could be "together" in-game and put extra effort into our hideout decoration. It's something my friends and I would definitely pay for if it ever became a reality.

Imagine if we had a small company with 4 employees, where each employee had their own office instead of working together in the same office (hope it makes sense).

If anyone from GGG (or community members) sees this post, let me know what you think!

- Jacob
Last bumped on Aug 30, 2024, 8:04:30 AM
You'll be happy to know that you're not alone in this request, for many years a number of exiles requested and discussed guild hideouts and eventually it became a reality and among the many suggestions of course were improvements to the map device and creating ways to bring people together.

Here's the old masterthread with tons of guild improvements:


Multiple map devices allowing configured ranks to input maps and run them within the guild hall also allowing anyone of similar rank to join in, This kind of brings me back to the early days when i would do maps with people in the A3 map device area and it was really a nice feeling.

+1000000000000000000 to any improvements to bringing people together in path of exile.

Edit: when they added the new prologue area i assumed that the 3 map devices there were a herald of things to come, one can only hope that it does eventually become a reality.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 28, 2024, 10:09:27 PM
I like the OP's idea.
+1, but I'm pretty sure the tech didn't exist for this and GGG would have to completely reprogram how the map device works.

Still, it'd be nice to have and "more support for guilds" is definitely something that this game needs for PoE2.

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