I really hope you all learn something from the failures of POE 1

Like the inability to determine what is doing damage to a player. There is just so much garbage on the ground from a graphic standpoint that half the time it's hard to tell. I could go ages without coming across a threat of any kind and then suddenly I will get killed instantly. No time to determine what I even did wrong.

Such a strange design concept. Honestly one of the worst games I have played when it comes to this. Sadly this game wins the genre by default because so many other aspects of the game outweigh this downside. I don't think I've played a game in my life where it was more difficult to determine what has killed me.
Last bumped on Aug 28, 2024, 6:20:08 PM
while i have my issues with path of exile. It's for sure not the worst game out there. It has some weird design "idea's" for sure some where purely put in almost as like a HA got you to the players and I think as the game has gotten older the player base has gotten more and more frustrated with those stupid mechanics/decisions because it's just well stupid, or tedious for the sole purpose of being tedious like the weird trading designed to force people to jump on their site or use weird third party apps that make you give up admin access to your PC it's just.. bad game design/decisions made to be tedious for no reason.

however even with those issue's this game is not that badddd
PoE is not failure.
Ahh, do not forget to add max red shit so pew pew lasers puddles max invisible red guy on red background pew pew die.

Yep that's boss - you do not see me cause developers want max dark dark bla bla bla, need to meddle with graphics to see bad guy.
POE's great design features:

- no gamma (brightness) adjustment
- minimal contrast/clarity in level/terrain design relative to monsters/bosses, with rare exceptions being a bright map tileset like "desert"
- league modes that have the same contrast/clarity issue, such as delirium making your screen grey/dark/black while simultaneously giving the monsters grey/dark/black AOE so you can't see it in the 0.1 second reaction time required
- ludicrous hardware requirements for a graphics design that fails at the above basic points
- no explanation of what killed you
- being killed from things offscreen, often with no explanation
- million layers of defense that are impossible to satisfy without playing 26 hours a day
- being rewarded nothing meaningful if you overcome all of these challenges unless you play 26 hours a day

I look forward to POE2 making zero improvement to any of these points because the streamers (and their nolifing audience) are clearly the target market and their continued support implies THAT EVERYTHING IS OK!
Last edited by mnieradko on Aug 28, 2024, 6:21:40 PM

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