Regarding the Character Limit

I remember back when I first tried the game, thinking that 24 characters was a nice number, and that, quite probably, I'd never use them all.

Right now, after countless leagues, I've reached that limit, no more character slots. And I don't even want to think about deleting any other character to make room for new ones. Sure I could buy new slots, but that doesn't feel right either.

Wouldn't it make more sense to continuously increase the number of character slots as new leagues come out, or give some option to get some slot back, say, when you reach level 100 in a character or get some other achievement.
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2024, 9:45:31 PM
It doesn't feel right to buy a fairly cheap character slot upgrade after filling all those slots? That's an extremely huge ask. If that feels too steep I guess either you will have to reconsider deleting some chars or make another account? I dunno what else to say. Something has to pay for the game you know :)
Last edited by arknath on Aug 26, 2024, 9:45:45 PM
This is a free to play game. The ability to have 24 characters is very generous from GGG.

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