Losing entire almost top-tier ship crew feels so nice because of random disconnect!

So if random disconnects in heists wasn't enough, now you also will suffer from disconnects in new league mechanic.

Why is there no way to redo the fight if disconnect (from server side, not mine) has occured? Why, if it happened, I can't pay the ransom to at least not lose my entire crew that I have building for an entire league? Why do I MUST just let go of my ship just because "lol our servers are unstable sorry"?

Go spend millions of gold to build a decent crew, then spend millions of gold and wait for a few weeks to collect enough resources to get a big shipment value, then lose it all because xdd very cool and properly thought out mechanic

Just PLEASE do something about HAVING TO lose your entire crew not because of YOUR MISTAKE but because of server issues
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2024, 12:22:11 AM
Hows your internet GGG's problem?
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
The issue is, when player disconnects they just seem to immediately conclude that GGG servers are the problem.
And sometimes they are, but believe it or not sometimes it's not.
The internet is an extremely complex connections of server equipment spanning from your place of residence to whatever server you are connected to.
And within the incredibly complex network a small fault, dropped packet, data lag can cause you to disconnect.

I don't believe the ask is for GGG to fix the internet.
I believe the request is for GGG to implement some sort of failsafe in scenarios where players disconnect.
It's already been acknowledged on a party level where players disconnect whilst in a party, they're not immediately removed giving time to rejoin.
The requirement would be for this functionality to extend to Sailor's Folly.
Well i'm not asking for fixing any internet problems, I ask for such failsafe exactly

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