Please remove Shroud Walker / Ambushes from Headhunter

Headhunter is a great belt, I love it. I've run Mageblood before, but this league is my first time using a build that could run Headhunter and it's amazing. Super fun to use and makes mapping that much more enjoyable.

That is, until you find a rare with the line "Ambushes" and pick up Shroud Walker. This mod is completely useless to the player and significantly detrimental to the game experience in many, many cases.

It sends you right into the middle of packs and gets you killed, it sends you around corners. It sends you back a screen because you missed one mob on the way. It sends you away repeatedly while you're trying to loot, which if you're trying to pick up a big pile is extremely extremely annoying.

It doesn't act as a typical teleport and bugs out item labels on your screen if you get teleported while moving towards one. There's no animation or screen movement at all, so getting teleported to offscreen monsters is extremely disorienting.

This is the sole mod available on Headhunter (and other rare monster modifier stealing items) that's harmful to almost every build in the game. Nobody likes this mod. It inhibits my gameplay so much that while essence farming, if I pick up this modifier I immediately take off and re-equip my belt to remove it.

Please nerf the effect range to, say, the range of a temporal bubble, or remove it entirely from the affixes that can affect players.
Last bumped on Aug 28, 2024, 9:52:08 PM
Seconded, Shroud walker is a mod that just makes the player's experience universally worse. ANYTHING that takes control away from the player for ANY REASON should be treated with the utmost care at the design table, but this mods relation with Headhunter got NONE. Please make it incompatible with headhunter, there is zero benefit to harming the player experience by leaving it as is.
Sure, but also remove Soul Eater. Fair is fair.
While I would LOVE for this to removed, it is absolute cancer, 1) I know they wont because people have been complaining about those mods for yearrrrs. 2) there is no way GGG would remove them without removing something else we love (like soul eater as someone already mentioned) or otherwise nerfing the item

Idk their philosophy for player to suffer is not suited for 2024 year, maybe they have diablo 2 flashbacks in 1999 but now players wants to fun and less less bad things, just remove this useless mod and make players happy? Not gonna happen ofcourse, sorry. Idk this is just bad you can't loot, you die 24/7 because you teleported for no reason to blue pack, wtf with this game and philosophy? Help me to understand
Johny_Snow wrote:
Sure, but also remove Soul Eater. Fair is fair.

Why must improving player quality of life be fair? Why must we give something good up to have something bad go away? What logic is that?
i hate this mod so much. it completely ruined HH for me. if this was something that happens every once in a while it would be ok, but i was getting this multiple times in every map.
Last edited by Lyutsifer665 on Aug 28, 2024, 9:28:14 PM
The mod is around since a long long time so don't expect to just go away.

Aside of the teleport that can get annoying from time to time it's a neat small defensive buff.

If you're keep dying with a hh it's just a sign that your build has some serious problems in lacking defensive layers to the point that even a hh ain't gonna help you.

The belt has lost its touch over the last few years with other and more reliable ways to obtain player power. If you want to get both defensive and offensive buffs in a big amount go for the better choice a mageblood or any other unique or rare belt with a more reliable boost in either damage or defense.
They are dirt cheap for reasons and going for one is just pretty much a noob trap as the golden hh times are long over :)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Aug 28, 2024, 9:55:46 PM

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