worst challange requiresments ever

why do i have to spent 20 div on some rune craft involving at least 3 power runes when they are so rare and expensive? that more expensive then if i bought some major boss carries on tft. did someone not adjust the challange for it to require 9 out 10 requirements for sublime starlight? yikes dude
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2024, 8:03:43 AM
agree. its ridiculous. i made a thread abut this in feedback a while ago.
Challenge for a reason.

Work for it.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
20d? how is that problem still for you its been 1 month in league

do some gamba

I spent 80d for that challenge, to craft haunted. And it was worth it, all 100%!
Also crafted haunted for my wand. 100% worth it.

If you don’t want to make a loss for this challenge buy a meta crafted weapon for 10-30 div and get a good rune enchant on it to later sell it on the market. Or just upgrade your own gear. Since you haven’t used a power tune yet I assume you’re not in endgame yet.
Pesado wrote:
why do i have to spent 20 div on some rune craft

Only you know the answer.
20d? What a non existing issue especially that late into the league.

Be glad that you can cheese the challenge and don't have to grind it on your own lol.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
By the way, the grinding challenges are pretty damn easy this league.
Worst challenge is the Port Quota one no way im farming 200 hours or so for 10million amber and shit

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