Feature Request: Trade Time Tracker or TTT

id love to see a simple but very helpful time tracker on items you put for sale in your stash tabs.

simply put
When you put an item for sale in your stash tab it will keep track on how long you have had it for sale.
So when you hover over an item it will in addition to show you the price its for sale for it will also say its been up for x amount of time / days

This makes it easier for us to figure out which items we either have to lower the price on or throw out..

I know currently the work around is to search up your items on poe trade by the seller.. but this takes longer.
the feature should be relatively simple to add to the game and would be a local thing and not server based so it shouldnt add any stress and it would be a little thing you could put up for 40 points or 30 on sale like a premium stash tab.

its not a vital thing to get but just a nice QOL
Last edited by Fregorr on Aug 25, 2024, 12:47:33 AM
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2024, 11:21:46 AM
Bump? :p

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