more pirates, what a joke. this league cant end soon enough.

so, i've had 2 pirates out of 4 shipments, in the last day. a while back i had 3 pirates out of 5 shipments. i've had 8 or 9 total. i'm not strong enough to beat the pirate boss, and i am furious that this mechanic is so deleterious, especially when the pirates commandeer ships so closely together. the cost and time to replenish workers, gold, and resources is prohibitive. i really do not understand why ggg makes it this way. they were able to nerf trading, why can't they take some time from their other preoccupations and come up with a way to so that the pirate mechanic scales with the character or level or town upgrades? it's laughable.
Last bumped on Aug 25, 2024, 5:10:43 AM
i really do not understand why ggg makes it this way.

To make it even harder to get your shit, while the loot/currency in the rest of the game has such shit drops. That's part of the reason why I am done with this game. Waiting on POE2. Peace the FUCK out.
why can't they take some time from their other preoccupations and come up with a way to so that the pirate mechanic scales with the character or level or town upgrades? it's laughable.

Because scaling is terrible, lazy design.
On Probation Any%
Free gold once you're able to kill him shouldn't be that hard with how easy he is.
But it sounds like you're sending way too much stuff out so it would be a good choice to be less greedy while you're still lacking the power to fight back, so don't bite off more than you can chew :)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
And here I am angry that I cant get pirates to proc at all in my last few dozen shipments.
I try to farm him as often as i can. He is not that hard.

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