New T17 Mode changes (high role debuff) and Volatile Cores absurd damage

------- T17 Modes ---------

Thanks to the t17 map mode changes you brought, it became easier for most players to make T17, we are aware that you did this for new users.

However, due to deleted or renewed mods, high role maps rarely come now. It is necessary to spend a lot, a lot of chaos. For example, I rolled 60 maps and only 7 of them came as 160+ Scarab. The amount I spent for 60 maps is 2400 chaos, that is 14div. And I only have 2 mods as regex. (Area effect, reduce critic) That's it. I can't think of other users, they have to block 6-10 mods.

In short, the old high-role maps are history, and it is really absurd that the builds we made for 3-5 mirrors and the builds made with 10 dives provide the same performance. So I hope you will renew these mod rates.

------- Volatile Cores ---------

Volatile Cores is now the only mod that provides high map role and the worst mod in poe history. Even if you stop momentarily and wait for it to explode, sometimes it moves again and comes at you. Also, there are so many creatures that it is impossible to see these balls from skils etc. Because sometimes 6-9 of them follow you. And the funny thing is that only 1 of them can kill you. Even if you have 90 resistance, you die. Damage adjustment balance needs to be brought. Actually, you had to fix this mode with the patch you brought. Tens of thousands of people are just waiting for this. Half of the maps I roll have this mode. Because now it has replaced other modes that provide high quant. I'm really nauseous because of this mod. I hope you will make a change.

I hope a developer reads these posts.
Last edited by Kukabay on Aug 24, 2024, 3:01:46 PM
Last bumped on Aug 24, 2024, 11:21:18 PM
Why are u sitting next to a Volatile core in the first place.

If you don't wanna MOVE.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Its not hard to dodge Volatile Cores .... Only Rares spawn them, not the first Time GGG has Volatile Cores Ingame.
Last edited by Rizzler87 on Aug 24, 2024, 11:22:07 PM

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