Ruthless league feedback

Poe is my favourite game & ruthless my favourite mode. However, I want to share some perspectives on why this league i only lasted "#2 challanges" compared to "#8 challanges last league" before quiting. Perhaps, to make it more clear what works in ruthless & what does not for the future.

1) I found settlers of kalguur endgame obnoxious:
Interups anything i'm doing; Every few maps I get bombarded by problems in town: fix this; fix that; ship missing; crew lazy;crew dead; crew forgot loot; something completed but not finished; something finished but not really. ect ect.
omg just give me strength - it's like i'm running a kindergarden of minions.

2)Undermined ruthless experiance:
Instead of playing, it's more profitable to log in "send ship" then log out. Which means no one to trade & there is also a huge problem with inflating prices & pricing in general.

2.1) Does not feel rewarding at all. Getting a huge load of goods feels like i've done nothing for it! Randomness of rewards also feels like a let down - regardless of the outcome.

3)Managing "send" orders feels too much like work. Honestly, manualy inputing the numbers gives me ptsd. feels menial & outdated.

4) Paying ships hourly is just absurd.
A question: when you take a bus to work or school do you pay per every minute you ride it or just 1 time? No, because that would be just crazy.

5) what does a ship simulator has to do with path of exile?
Are we here to slay monsters or play sims city? Cuz i'm here for the first one.

Anyhow, lemme know what you think! ty!
Last bumped on Sep 4, 2024, 10:18:35 AM
Niiyos wrote:

5) what does a ship simulator has to do with path of exile?
Are we here to slay monsters or play sims city? Cuz i'm here for the first one.

Its unhealthy for this game if everyone likes all of the same content.

Set aside the mechanic as something you won't play because you don't like it and then answer this.. If it stayed in the game but you never ran the mechanic would you ever trade for runes for a runecraft or anything?

And the fact that you're at any level frustrated/confused/whatever is the appropriate term here on "what works in ruthless" is not great, Do they not have the information posted anywhere officially?
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 24, 2024, 6:25:31 PM
I'm not sure where this is going but I felt like i can't compete without using runes.[ruthless has way less crafting options and nothing to replace the current options] feels forced to participate.

The rune crafting part is tricky as well since you have to unlock it. Then have a large quantity to apply it to the item [mid way crafts to last ones].

No, i would rather skip it all together.

Does that answer your question?
Niiyos wrote:
I'm not sure where this is going but I felt like i can't compete without using runes.[ruthless has way less crafting options and nothing to replace the current options] feels forced to participate.

The rune crafting part is tricky as well since you have to unlock it. Then have a large quantity to apply it to the item [mid way crafts to last ones].

No, i would rather skip it all together.

Does that answer your question?

Yeah Thanks, Was just curious to see your perspective on the situation.
Innocence forgives you
have you tried ruthless mode, yet?
i'm curious to test t17 this season but if feels more scarce than previously.
also in ruthless and feel the exact opposite of the OP. I feel like they are just venting which hey; fair enough I do that too. But 1 and 2 completely contradict each other. #1 they complain about too much messing about with the town, and #2 they complain that they feel the best way to deal with the town is ti log in send ships and log out.

Neither of these sound like very accurate assements of whats going on, just some frustrated venting (again fair enough). If you only log in to ship and log out you'll run out of ore and gold and only have crops so I think its fair to say this is hyperbole.

As for point #1 I feel like even the half hour ships are just a nice change of pace, and personally I save the longer Kalguur ships for when I'm done and will be off for a while due to work, life or sleep. Half an hour even for a slow boy like myself is still a good amount of maps back to back.

In the end none of this stuff is going to please everyone there are aspects I don't like, but I'm really enjoying having a meta progression system in POE its made me more engaged in mapping than I have been in an couple years. In terms of wanting to run just one more for gold/ore.

That said I would hate to see them cater a system like this to the top end players. I've said this before, if you put in a system that allows players to "multi task" and its capable of being highly optmized for top end players, then it will only serve to widen the already yawning galaxy sized golf between players who have jobs and lives and the players who's jobs and lives are blasting.

Those players will quickly hate such a system because if it is optimal Div per hour they wont be able to view it as optional like Heist or Delve are optional.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Hi! Thanks for the feedback.

Yeah. def. venting. it is entirely possible that I just pingeon holed myself into playing season in a certain way & that's why i feel the way i feel. Ofc, there are good points to the season that save time e.g. [currency exchange] as well but i focused on things that just made me burn out. No question that this is larger than average season & i wish i could play much more. However, i just can't keep up with the micro managing. Entirely, the reason why i only focus on ruthless is perhaps that micro managing -overwhelms me: There are so many seasonal contents to engage with at the same time. Never been good with multitasking to begin with. Is that bad planning from my part or I just try to do too much at the same time. Hard to say!
Last edited by Niiyos on Aug 28, 2024, 9:47:06 AM
The slower the 'standard' game, the more real the 'settlers' game feels.

With SSF, HC, and with the Naked Savage challenge I am doing (no gear, flasks, weapon, anything) it makes the settlers side pace better even if I don't really need it. I am hoarding currency though and I get to absorb that side of things with a more pleasant feel to it.

At its core its just a gearing solution though which is definitely a lost opportunity. Hopefully they expand on it to make it part of the 'experience' rather than part of 'gearing'.

The random chests and drops everywhere in some places has become a lot more noticeable too, with the challenge (speaking about the experience rather than objective change).

Time-to-kill should increase on enemies. This is good for the experience. I've put in probably 40 hours into the Naked Savage challenge, excluding AFK & taking a break of course, and it has been Good for immersion and feels fun.

Increasing time to kill would make the challenge nearly impossible but unarmed/weapon/spell damage should flat dmg scale as well on characters. This takes some reliance off of gear and puts it more on base character design which is a good direction & atmosphere (PoE 2 seems to show that belief in some ways). The rate of XP gain, its rate of gain and who can gain more or less of it, risk of death (XP loss), all would become more central to the game's design then.

The more 'content', the more that rushing just starts to skim over everything.

Only GGG can make changes to the geared experience -- to pace and to playstyle.
My prediction is that it will go "core" regardless.

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