Noob devs, where is th Scion in POE2

Tell me this is an oversight or a late April fools joke, but where is the Scion?

Did they delete a character from their game that people actually loved to play?

Da fuq?
Last bumped on Aug 28, 2024, 4:41:21 AM
No Scion as they told.
On Probation Any%
Blame the aurabots :)

Is there anyone playing normal builds on Scion?
PoE started as a class-less system with the Scion being the showcase of that concept.

PoE has since become more restricted. Not quite class based but nearly. PoE2 is class based.

Thus the Scion serves no purpose anymore.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Shes now one of the Bosses.
Xzorn wrote:
PoE started as a class-less system with the Scion being the showcase of that concept.

PoE has since become more restricted. Not quite class based but nearly. PoE2 is class based.

Thus the Scion serves no purpose anymore.

Of course she serves a purpose, str+dex+int hybrid character is an identity which i have used for many of my characters.
Echothesis wrote:
Blame the aurabots :)

Is there anyone playing normal builds on Scion?
Yes. Scion/Pathfinder is good in SSF if I just want the flask sustain and not the rest of Pathfinder.

Edit: And in Ruthless Scion/Raider was kind of the best Ascendancy post-Raider nerf. But GGG murdered perma-Phasing in Ruthless with the murder of Raider.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Last edited by Zrevnur on Aug 28, 2024, 4:42:58 AM

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