Bugged Harvest bosses that won't enter next phase.

Can we fix the action queuing on harvest bosses. It happends WAY to often that the boss queues up so many actions that it forgets to go into the next phase. Either remove the phases or fix your systems.

The weirdest part is that it seems to only be the harvest bosses that have this issue.

How do I know that it's the action queuing? Because if you deaggro the boss and then stand in a corner for roughly 5 minutes, it goes straight to the next phase after 1 or 2 attacks.

Potential solutions: have you thought about an override to the action queue on hitting ca 70% health? You can also just remove the phase changes since it doesn't add anything, a strong build will destroy the boss in seconds anyway, it's inclusion only adds a point of failure that is just annoying.
Last bumped on Aug 31, 2024, 3:38:53 PM
Yeah the yellow boss especially takes ages to phase sometimes, and for me the only way that seems to work is to live through his attack that disables movement skills, but that's nearly impossible on my glass-cannon build. And if I die he just goes invisible again and keeps repeating it. These bosses are buggy af, just deleteing their immunity add phases would be the best imo, those kinds of phases are boring in any boss, if I've invested into 200 mil dps then let me delete the boss in 0.1 seconds lol
Glass cannon or not, it should phase as soon as it reaches the threshold, not stack trigger another attack. That shit was always bugged and i guess it will remain bugged forever.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
I thought these phase locks were happening from warcries, it happens on catarina if you're using warcries. Its new to this league, since i play warcry builds every league and never had this issue.

If you walk out of range of the bosses they will start to continue their phases.
Can't agree more with everything stated here. I'm wasting A LOT of time occasionally due to the phasing issues with these bosses. I actually walked out of the harvest once against the Yellow Boss. WTH?
I've been testing the Harvest boss fights, and I found a lot of the reason behind their inability to enter the next phase has a lot to do with lack of space. Every time they should be going into the add phase, they use some mobility skill that pushes themselves up against a wall. Only by luring them out into more open space do they finally progress their phase.

Regardless of the solution, I think GGG should just let us straight up kill them without needing to go through a phase. If we have the DPS to wipe them out, and/or they happen to be in a position they can't advance their phase, we should be allowed to.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.

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