PLEASE READ: HC Unbalanced / Allow full account resets

Hardcore issues:

One-shot mechanics, but more specifically, disproportionate amounts of magic and physical crit that can come out of nowhere from an enemy that can teleport close to the player or kill the player from an off-screen position.

(E.g. Rogue Exiles & Heist ambush attempts).

Multiplayer is also unbalanced. If you decide to play with friends, remember that explosive damage is directly proportional to the enemy's maximum health. Because multiplayer scales enemy health, groups are more vulnerable to random explosive damage, enough to one-shot a player.

This is unfair for a game that offers a Hardcore mode.

Another massive issue is league mechanics, which cannot reset your league progress or account data.

Suppose I die at level 90 in the Settlers League. In that case, I'm left with an unaffordable settlement for any new character created. I can no longer access shipping bonuses or generate currency via shipping if I cannot afford it.

Account issues:

I understand that resetting account progress goes against the game's support policy, but I find that fact foolish. There should be no reason to deny players the ability to reset their Atlas, League, or Character progress.

The Migration Tool is insufficient!

Not to mention, versions like Standard Ruthless and HC Ruthless cannot be migrated during the leagues to the parent server, so players would have no ability to reset data for those versions at all.

I ask that the development team consider allowing people to reset their game accounts completely or implement a small fee that gives us access to such a feature. Forcing people to create new accounts, lose their MXTs, and get frustrated over their ruined progress is unfair and unacceptable. Many games allow for this feature and see the benefits of letting players decide what to do with their data. Keeping us prisoners to this already progressed data is an absurdity.
Last bumped on Aug 23, 2024, 1:19:15 PM
Games where you can reset your character without any costs at any time are bland.
If you really want to change your ascendancy or try a different passive tree because you found some busted item, you can do that at a pretty fair cost if you are somewhat progressed in the game. Or you can farm Heist after finishing the campaign. 2 hours of Heist and you can reroll your entire passive tree + ascendancy i would guess. Unless, your character is not functional. But in that case maybe another round of the campaign doesn't hurt ;)...

Rerolling from league starter Pathfinder into Deadeye tornado shot or from rf jugg into some bossfarming heavy strike/warcry dork is possible, so what exactly do you want? Make all starting points in the tree pointless? Make the game a generic blurr?

When it comes to the league mechanic you kind of have a point. But even there with some micromanagement you can do some farming and shipping by not assigning all your high level dudes...
Last edited by Strickl3r on Aug 23, 2024, 11:49:01 AM
I didn't suggest resetting skills without costs. You might be having some issues comprehending what I wrote. I suggest rereading it slowly to understand better.

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