Fixed gold cost for workers.

Slots are fun, for a whole 5 minutes, until you lose 1 mil gold and you don't get the worker you want.

You gave 6L on the bench. Give the same option for workers. 500k or w/e for a level 10 and those of us like me can carry on grinding, instead of feeling like I wasted 4 hour of my time.
A fact is a statement that can be supported to be true or false by data or evidence. In contrast, an opinion is a personal expression of a person’s feelings or thoughts that may or may not be based in data.
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 8:14:21 PM
if they did that....league mechanic would be "done" in a week.

For a design like this, worker optimization and top levels SHOULD be similar to achieving mirror tier gear.

Everything about this league mechanic is trash: slot machine AND idle time. If you wanted "fun", don't look for it in Kingsmarch.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 22, 2024, 7:52:43 PM
The workers are the same as building a betrayal board or getting your gear for heist, it's just a checkpoint.

And reaching that checkpoint is very very very RNG heavy. There is no worker optimisation, it's literally just getting tier 10's.

And no way should it be like achieving "mirror tier" gear.
A fact is a statement that can be supported to be true or false by data or evidence. In contrast, an opinion is a personal expression of a person’s feelings or thoughts that may or may not be based in data.
^not even CLOSE to true. Workers are permanent fixtures for the most part. Building a board in Betrayal is temporary and DESIGNED to be temporary. The board is entirely reset every time you run Catarina, which can be multiple times in a single Jun session.

But yes I agree, it IS similar to crafting gear for Heist members. Which, by the way, is entirely RNG. Like something else.....hmmm.....oh thats right, crafting mirror gear.

If you want Kingsmarch to be similar to Betrayal, lets throw out ALL of your workers at the end of every day and you have to restart from scratch.

The reason why it is far more similar to mirror gear is that once you get a full set of never EVER need to buy another farmer again. Ever. You have hit the ceiling and there is nowhere else to go. You have essentially "beaten" that mechanic. This is different from heist gear because you might be regularly changing your heist gearing to suit the current things you are farming for.

That is what it means to have a BiS piece of gear, and that is what it means to have a BiS kingsmarch worker.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 22, 2024, 8:11:11 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
^not even CLOSE to true. Workers are permanent fixtures for the most part. Building a board in Betrayal is temporary and DESIGNED to be temporary. The board is entirely reset every time you run Catarina, which can be multiple times in a single Jun session.

If you want Kingsmarch to be similar to Betrayal, lets throw out ALL of your workers at the end of every day and you have to restart from scratch.

The reason why it is far more similar to mirror gear is that once you get a full set of never EVER need to buy another farmer again. Ever. You have hit the ceiling and there is nowhere else to go. You have essentially "beaten" that mechanic.

That is what it means to have a BiS piece of gear, and that is what it means to have a BiS kingsmarch worker.

You don't know what you're talking about. Most optimal way to do betrayal is to never kill Catarina.
A fact is a statement that can be supported to be true or false by data or evidence. In contrast, an opinion is a personal expression of a person’s feelings or thoughts that may or may not be based in data.
^bro......stop while you are ahead. You are LEAGUES behind the times. Betrayal nowadays is ONLY about killing Catarina lol. It is the only way to get veiled orbs. Any other strategy is inferior. Betrayal USED to be all about not killing Catarina and trying to keep semi-permanence on your board: it was one of my go-to mechanics to farm. Veiled Orbs and leader changes destroyed all of that.

But hey, thanks for linking a video to someone who is clearly "new" to Betrayal and has not grown with the times. That entire video is straight out of strategies from 4 years ago.

Go ahead...ask for the league mechanic to be done in a week. Good luck with that.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 22, 2024, 8:16:52 PM

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