On the fence with this Settlers

I feel like I am playing two games at one time. Worse of all, settlers seems like it is more work than the rewards sometimes.

I have been upgrading slowly and the mapping is confusing and frankly boring since all my guys just die even in a plain white map.

If they want us to play this part of the league why not make it at least rewarding for the most people and not the ubers.

At first I thought it would be cool. Like everything new it's a learning curve which I understand but frankly it does not make it fun.

Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 6:03:45 PM
It is rewarding.

You just don't wanna put in the effort to do so meanwhile I'm swimming in riches while being a G.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
I'm just playing SSF with a town not close to being maxed out, I can't afford townsfolk higher than level 7 and literally all my exalts and divines come from microshipments. It's literally no effort, but if clicking 6 times is too much for you, maybe this isn't the game for you.
Maprunners are only for people that literally generate millions of gold per day, so yes that is for the 1%, but the option is there and I don't go complain because I only play 2 maybe 3 hours a day.
I'm tired of people trying to make arguments to destroy their own fun by blaming everything and everyone else.
Last edited by leto2626 on Aug 22, 2024, 2:40:51 PM
You can do some neat smallball things like sending 2 verisium bars to ribbon fell for 3 scarabs and you can even hit the 200% mf one that way. Or you can send 1 versium bar + 2 crops + 3 dust for 3-9 stacked decks to the other harbour nearby.
1 low level sailor per ship is obv enough for that, so not much gold needed. The ships will even return if the sailor dies and the pirat will spawn every oncei n a while giving you a nice gold boost and a chance for a power rune if you can kill him.

Or you go for the occasional divine orb with shipments that contain 500-1000 of each crop and a few k dust...again can be done with low lvl sailors that don't cost much...

The only thing that takes a lot of effort, rightfully so, is a fully automated botfarm of mappers that run t 16s with decent quant...
Kingsmarch is awesome because I benefit even from taking frequent breaks to check on all my pets. It’s free currency for minimal effort, and you can adjust how ouch gold goes into the town based on how much you play/juice maps. You just haven’t spent the time figuring out how to make it work.

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