Settlers of Kalguur is fucking amazing

I saw that all of my posts are just bitching about shitty or overtuned mechanics, and I've never talked positively about the good leagues I played, so just leaving how I'm wasting all my free time and sleep to play this fucking game
Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 11:22:41 AM
I believe that POE's state is the best it's ever been, I have two friends that started playing (one in crucible, the other in settlers) and both of them are already 90+ and can farm enough currency to progress their build and the game.
The base game right now is fantastic.

As for settlers I personally find the town mechanic more tedious than useful.

You spend most of the time setting up the mechanic before it starts doing anything for you

And it has a ton of busy work

Every 2ish hours I have to go back and fill the disenchanter with another page full of items to melt down into dust

Then I have to give the mappers more maps to grind through

Then I need to see my shipments

After which I have to spend an hour solid grinding the gold needed to pay everyone

And after all of that hassle I get mostly popcorn back.

sure I have had a few power runes as drops.. from the random bosses.. but not from the actual town mechanic.

And I feel gold is replacing normal drops.. but that is of course and anecdotal observation
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Aug 22, 2024, 6:33:39 AM
I just ignore the league mechanic the way I ignored harvest. I have 10 million gold in the bank? Pffft, whatever
Saltychipmunk wrote:
The base game right now is fantastic.

As for settlers I personally find the town mechanic more tedious than useful.

You spend most of the time setting up the mechanic before it starts doing anything for you

And it has a ton of busy work

Every 2ish hours I have to go back and fill the disenchanter with another page full of items to melt down into dust

Then I have to give the mappers more maps to grind through

Then I need to see my shipments

After which I have to spend an hour solid grinding the gold needed to pay everyone

And after all of that hassle I get mostly popcorn back.

sure I have had a few power runes as drops.. from the random bosses.. but not from the actual town mechanic.

And I feel gold is replacing normal drops.. but that is of course and anecdotal observation

Or be me and just go after huge shipments with tons of dust every now and then. I feed the mappers T16 maps while I run other content
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Yeah but most leagues require some sort of investment before actually dropping anything of value, the ships and mappers brought me about 50-60 divines in currency and items so far, but sure is a hassle, maybe if gold drops were a bit higher, since mappers cost so much.

Although I'd be inclined to say that it should not be too rewarding since it's afk farming, if we wanna make money, we gotta play the game.

As for the mechanics, right now I'm only minimally invested in the mappers, for ships I used to send 1 verisium bar and 3 wheat to the first port for stacked decks to gamba/sell. But every now and then I send 3kk to kalguur to see what comes back.
I agree, this is peak POE for me as well. I'm having more fun this league than possibly any other league (still miss TOTA tho :'( ).

The currency market is such a game changer.

I also like the league mechanic, although I can understand why it's not for everyone. Personally I like that it's more chill, the town is very nice and I mostly focus on 1-2 big shipments a day (mappers have been useless to me so far - I think I got maybe 1 or 2 divine from them since the league started...?). I don't like the latest dust changes but I'm still getting good rewards from my shipments.

The only thing my mappers bring me that's actually useful is lifeforce and catalysts (I hate ultimatum so they're the only source of catalysts for me other than buying ofc). Idk why everyone is so hyped about them. Shipments are just infinitely better imo (before you ask, yes, both are upgraded to max, my mappers run T16 8-mod corrupted maps)

But overall I'm loving this league - never been this excited so late in the league, at this point I was quitting or close to quitting in previous leagues.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Saltychipmunk wrote:
The base game right now is fantastic.

As for settlers I personally find the town mechanic more tedious than useful.

You spend most of the time setting up the mechanic before it starts doing anything for you

And it has a ton of busy work

Every 2ish hours I have to go back and fill the disenchanter with another page full of items to melt down into dust

Then I have to give the mappers more maps to grind through

Then I need to see my shipments

After which I have to spend an hour solid grinding the gold needed to pay everyone

And after all of that hassle I get mostly popcorn back.

sure I have had a few power runes as drops.. from the random bosses.. but not from the actual town mechanic.

And I feel gold is replacing normal drops.. but that is of course and anecdotal observation

Or be me and just go after huge shipments with tons of dust every now and then. I feed the mappers T16 maps while I run other content

Even if I go down that route, I would still need to baby sit rog every 2 hours to top off his disenchant tab.

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