Improvement to Beasts

Hello GGG and everyone reading this!

I've had an idea regarding how the beast experience might be improved, don't know if anyone has suggested that already.

The idea is, can we have an option with Einhar to "blacklist beasts" ?
Meaning if a beast is in our blacklist and we encounter it and capture it, Einhar will automatically release that beast, so we don't have to go to him every 10 maps and scroll for 5-10 minutes through our beast menu and release beasts we dont need manually to free more space.

We have the 4 beastiary bosses, what if killing each 1 of them for the 1st time in a league you get rewarded 2 slots for blacklisting, and when you kill all 4 you will have a total of 8 slots to blacklist beasts. This will also make the beastiary bosses more relevant.

Obviously we got the beastiary orb, but for SSF, or even people like me that always play trade, but don't really care to sell them, but prefer to keep them for later stages to use them for crafts, orb is still quite bad and annoying to do.

Maybe its a bad idea for some reasons i have not thought of, please share yours.

Thank you.
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2024, 9:13:39 AM

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