GGG, it's time for a chat....

Dear GGG,

I am writing to advise that I have been losing interest and trust in the quality of content you are releasing. There are several reasons for this which I will get in to throughout this post. As a result, I am considering if I cease to invest more than my existing 6500 hours into your game Path of Exile.

The first and most impactful issue I have to declare is that your game is full of bugs and not only is it unpleasant to deal with, but it is actually detrimental to the player so much so that several days of hard earned work can be deleted due to your bugs. I strongly recommend that you thoroughly test your content before releasing it, and not just to see if it is fun or not, but to identify the different ways that it will be used and whether or not it will result in someone losing hundreds of hours due to your bugs and your blanket rule on "no item refunds".

The second and still problematic issue I have with your game is you are not listening to your player base in an appropriate manner. It was very clear that the community want their experience playing the game to be fun, still with that hardcore brutal challenge that Path of Exile delivers, but with the fun aspect heavily tied into it. Rather than invest time into true and proper game balance, ever since I have played your solution has always been to just go way overboard with it and turn it into the opposite of what it was beforehand due to either developer issue with the balance, or community outcry. People were very unhappy with corpse league being forced on every map, so instead of toning it down you just made Kingsmarch you visit every 30 minutes which is honestly just boring and feels like a chore when all you get is currency and runes which you also can't save up enough of to do something with. And when something does happen, you can afk the boss completely with zero issue anyway so who care right?

My third and final point is your game rules are not clearly outlined, infact, there are none to be seen pertaining to the game it self which I am aware of. One specific rule which I have been advised by your email support is that you do not refund items (lost to bugs) under any circumstances. This would be fine if your game worked properly 95% of the time, but unfortunately my self and so many others with well built PC's have game crashes some times more than once a day. Additionally there are lots of items lost due to bugs unrelated to crashing. If you won't build the game correctly, then please just refund us when it's not out fault. A lot of your content these days is designed around risk, but if you want to go this way, you need to ensure your game actually just works. If I lose 6x level 10 mappers because my game crashes in a boss fight, I am going to feel like I want to pick your game up and see how far I can throw it, but I have no physical item to work with.

Last bumped on Aug 22, 2024, 12:56:51 AM
Removing proximity shield would fix 90% of the game
Do not ignore this ggg. We need this fixed.
Johny_Snow wrote:
Removing proximity shield would fix 90% of the game

I am curious to see this point explained.
Proximity shield on white mobs sucks. That's all the explanation that is needed. It is the worst designed monster mod in the game and is way too common at this point.
Ayxera wrote:
Dear GGG,

I am writing to advise that I have been losing interest and trust in the quality of content you are releasing. There are several reasons for this which I will get in to throughout this post. As a result, I am considering if I cease to invest more than my existing 6500 hours into your game Path of Exile.

The first and most impactful issue I have to declare is that your game is full of bugs and not only is it unpleasant to deal with, but it is actually detrimental to the player so much so that several days of hard earned work can be deleted due to your bugs. I strongly recommend that you thoroughly test your content before releasing it, and not just to see if it is fun or not, but to identify the different ways that it will be used and whether or not it will result in someone losing hundreds of hours due to your bugs and your blanket rule on "no item refunds".

The second and still problematic issue I have with your game is you are not listening to your player base in an appropriate manner. It was very clear that the community want their experience playing the game to be fun, still with that hardcore brutal challenge that Path of Exile delivers, but with the fun aspect heavily tied into it. Rather than invest time into true and proper game balance, ever since I have played your solution has always been to just go way overboard with it and turn it into the opposite of what it was beforehand due to either developer issue with the balance, or community outcry. People were very unhappy with corpse league being forced on every map, so instead of toning it down you just made Kingsmarch you visit every 30 minutes which is honestly just boring and feels like a chore when all you get is currency and runes which you also can't save up enough of to do something with. And when something does happen, you can afk the boss completely with zero issue anyway so who care right?

My third and final point is your game rules are not clearly outlined, infact, there are none to be seen pertaining to the game it self which I am aware of. One specific rule which I have been advised by your email support is that you do not refund items (lost to bugs) under any circumstances. This would be fine if your game worked properly 95% of the time, but unfortunately my self and so many others with well built PC's have game crashes some times more than once a day. Additionally there are lots of items lost due to bugs unrelated to crashing. If you won't build the game correctly, then please just refund us when it's not out fault. A lot of your content these days is designed around risk, but if you want to go this way, you need to ensure your game actually just works. If I lose 6x level 10 mappers because my game crashes in a boss fight, I am going to feel like I want to pick your game up and see how far I can throw it, but I have no physical item to work with.


You're wasting your time and breath...GGG doesn't care about any of its users or loyal's proof:

+1 pretty much
GGG only caters to their beloved league sheep and whales, majority of whom treat Standard like it doesn't exist. Not everyone enjoys temp leagues.

If you're a price fixer, item flipper, forum brown-noser or an advocate of P2Annoy MTX you're probably already ignored/muted. You won't get my items.
Ayxera wrote:
People were very unhappy with corpse league being forced on every map, so instead of toning it down you just made Kingsmarch you visit every 30 minutes which is honestly just boring and feels like a chore when all you get is currency and runes which you also can't save up enough of to do something with.

Lots of people are having fun with it so I don't see why they should change it just because you're unhappy.
Sure it's not another item editor league that you would have enjoyed more but regardless of how they design the league content there's always going to be a hit or miss with the audience as there is never the perfect creation to satisfy 100% of the playerbase.
But you should know that with 6,5k hours by now lol

Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Pashid wrote:
Ayxera wrote:
People were very unhappy with corpse league being forced on every map, so instead of toning it down you just made Kingsmarch you visit every 30 minutes which is honestly just boring and feels like a chore when all you get is currency and runes which you also can't save up enough of to do something with.

Lots of people are having fun with it so I don't see why they should change it just because you're unhappy.
Sure it's not another item editor league that you would have enjoyed more but regardless of how they design the league content there's always going to be a hit or miss with the audience as there is never the perfect creation to satisfy 100% of the playerbase.
But you should know that with 6,5k hours by now lol

A more important way of looking at it that a lot of players could benefit from is that if a league does not mesh well with them personally but does mesh well with other parts of the userbase that's a great thing because there will probably be less competition for selling in other markets that those players DO enjoy playing the mechanics for.

100% of the playerbase adoring a mechanic might actually end up bad if they keep doing that back to back we'd probably all be running the EXACT same content at much more of a percentage than we already are and thats not only super boring but not economically diverse enough to last very long.

This is the reasoning for asking for systems such as the atlas tree which helped diversify and make endgame content more engaging by adding choice to the mix but also in making that choice you lose out on rewards from content that you could not or chose not to invest in.

Mixed feelings about the additional basically free atlas trees as it detracts from the diversity.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 22, 2024, 1:18:45 AM

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