What the hell is going with this game?

I would like to thank you for new leguae.
My character was killed having 88 phys reducctiom and 80 elemental reduction on map tier 79 so i think it was CHEATING.
Have fun with dollars paying streamers with huge drop rate.

Last edited by zarbucha on Aug 21, 2024, 12:02:08 PM
Last bumped on Aug 21, 2024, 6:48:52 AM
I should point out that the physical damage reduction stat is calculated vs an average hit of a white mob at your level

So if the majority of the dr is from armor and armor is objectively worse vs comparatively larger hits

Then there is a good chance you took a physical hit or set of its so large that your armor was barely at all effective.

also consider that the main way the game kills you is via layered map mods.

Some times you will just get a set of mods that all happen to stack with each other to kill you.

its a primary criticism i have with the game. To much multiplicative difficulty.

It to the point where 80% physical mitigation and 80% all res is NOT good defense.

Its a starting point for defense because you need that much to have a chance at handling the extreme variance.

I also blame the %effect of map mods passive on the tree that if all taken will easy make every map mod 40 - 60% more dangerous.

This is also why I do not consider hardcore a valid way to play. The game is very clearly not balanced for this. And has not been for 10 years.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk on Aug 21, 2024, 6:50:13 AM

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