what's the deal with crop rotation in 3.25.1?

This could just be me having bad luck since the patch, but does crop rotation feel pointless to anyone else at the moment? First couple weeks of the league it was fine, just as good as it has been since it was introduced, but since the patch it's been really bad for me. For example, lets say I go in and find one similar to the harvest in my last map, one plot has a blue and yellow, 2 have 2 blues, and one has 2 purples. I hit the purples first, and the blues each upgrade to have 2-3 T2 plants. I then run the 2 double blue plots, saving the yellow for last, as I'm specced for lower yellow spawns for more yellow juice with crop rotation. I clear those out and go to the yellow crop, and it has upgraded to have 3 T2 plants. I didn't see anything about it getting nerfed, curious what kind of experience others are having with it.
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 9:16:52 PM
As a side note, I just wanted to add that normally (as most players probably know already), speccing into less yellow spawning would mean more yellow juice because if you get 4 plots and only 1-2 of the 8 crops are yellow, they should get the biggest boost from crop rotation. Since the patch, I have also had a majority of my harvests just outright have 0 yellow crops, which was also not the case before. I'd say around 4 out of 5 harvests that I've done since the patch have had 0 yellow with my current setup, and I've been running crop rotation since it's existed and can confidently say that in the past, this has never been the case with it. Sure, you'll get 0 of the crop you spec into sometimes, but it wasn't a vast majority of the harvests you find that turned out with 0.

I wouldn't doubt that I'm just having a streak of bad luck, but this has been so frequent for me that I'm starting to doubt that.

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