Please Address Corpses and Ritual

As it stands, it takes an incredible amount of time to get even one of the corpses by yourself. Of course there's trade, but even there certain types are scarce, and I don't think a staple build archetype should be balanced around having to use it.

I started an SSF reset a few days ago out of curiosity, running Ritual since I started the Atlas, beeling to each Ritual node on the Atlas tree. I've gotten many rare and valuable rewards (exceptional gems, high tier currency, etc.) and expend every rewards reroll per map. Yet, I've never once seen the corpse type I need (Needle Horror) regardless of quality (perfect/imperfect/normal).

I think it's cool conceptually that spectre corpses are gated as a Ritual reward but the amount of grind to get the type you need feels disproportionate. I fully expect I will have w Wraithlord before I have enough corpses. At the same time, I don't want corpses to overtake the Ritual rewards, as that would probably cause complaints.

Additionally, the way corpse items work are very frustrating with spectre mechanics. Earlier in the league, one time I tried to gem swap and accidentally unequipped my chest piece instead, losing all my spectres at once right before I meant to fight a boss. All 7 of the corpses disappeared, and that meant me having to buy 7 corpses from the already low supply on trade. I've had people coming from ask me what spectres I'm using, and I knew I couldn't tell them for my own good-- else I wouldn't even be able to play it anymore. It also meant me having to stockpile the corpses for any misclick mishap. I know spectres are due for a change, but the scarcity and single use aspect of corpses highly exacerbates the situation to an unwarranted degree. Yes, I know the Ravenous mechanic still exists, but no one cares about it or wants to start caring.

So, if I was to make suggestions to improve the situation, ignoring changes to spectres directly:
1) Separate corpse items from the rest of the rewards of a roll, potentially putting them in their own tab, and have at least 1 per roll.
2) Make corpses multi-use, maybe with limited amount of uses.
3) Add recipes to upgrade corpse quality (i.e. "3-to-1" for imperfect -> normal -> perfect).
4) If it doesn't already work this way, tie certain corpse types to certain Ritual types (i.e. Needle Horror and the other "Atziri Trio" members more likely to appear in Vaal rituals).
same name in-game
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 3:01:38 PM

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