The map mod "monsters steal charges from you" is overtuned

Problem: There is no way to get around this mod as a character that uses charges. All other mods, you can either specifically build around avoiding them or mitigate them in some way. This mod causes 1 monster hit to remove ALL charges.

This is an incredibly frustrating mod. to put it into context, there aren't any map mods that completely cause a build to be unable to play.

No mod that completely removes mana
No mod that causes minions to stop doing damage
No mod that causes arrows to not fire
No mod that completely removes resistances


1.) Remove this map mod, or make it something like "monsters steal 2 charges"
2.) Put something in the game for us to get around this. Specifically, I think the mastery mod that causes enemies to be unable to gain charges should instead cause enemies to be unable to steal charges.
Last bumped on Aug 26, 2024, 8:58:36 PM
+1 for this idea, this map mod is not fun.
there are actually a lot of map mods that brick the game for some and not for others.

i highly dislike this mod because i m a flicker user. running out of frenzy could be disastrous.

but is it that bad? not entirely, map mods are there to force you to reroll and spend chaos.

it doesnt affect players who dont use charges.

similarly there are mods that wreck your resistances, and even effectively make monsters immune to ailments.

but, as much as i hate all that, it doesnt affect all builds.

if we were to complain, i would complain and ask for "reduced recovery" mod from the pool. this mod arguably affects 99% of users. unless of course they opt to use stuff with flat life/mana on hit, which require a lot of investment to get going.
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exsea wrote:
there are actually a lot of map mods that brick the game for some and not for others.

There is nothing special about this mod.
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
If you dont need to spend Charges, there are unique boots which grant you all charge stats like you would have at being at your max charges, but actually doesnt give charges which could be stolen ;)

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