Feedback on PS4 / 5 Client from a 1500h PC Player

I have about 1500h on Path via my Steam account. I have decided to try out the console client on this league and I have some feedback on the client that I hope will help.

Overall its stable and very fun to play with. I find that Innocence, who gives me a ton of heartburn with mouse and keyboard, is easier to dodge on the console. I have not worked ground targeted skills like Toxic rain so I don't know what that would be like. With these skills you often have to anticipate MOB movement and fire in front of them because of the delay. I don't think the re is any way to directly target a point on the ground.

For reference my current main is a Chain hood bleed / rage build.

There are, however, some points that could be improved.

1. Chat. The chat interface is very clunky and so I purchased a Bluetooth keyboard for that but the client doesn't support it. I would suggest adding that support and also adding speech to text support like i have for Bixby on my phone.

2. Trade. The trade market is limited because of the player count and I would suggest that you combine with the PC server. Unlike a competitive FPS game I cant see that there is any reason to separate server worlds for console.

3. It is a true pleasure to be able to identify an item with a single button press of Circle. I wish I had that on PC.

4. Escaping with the usage of a portal from a fight is awesome and would benefit hardcore. Touch pad - x - x and done! I WISH. Keep in mind you have to have portal scrolls in the top left of the inventory for this. Id love to get something like this on PC; the whole log out trick is such cheese.

5. Chest opening is awesome in Console and sucks in PC. In console I can drive by X the chests and they pop. In PC I have to click on them and stop. Also in console if the chest pops something of interest an additional X key press suffices. In PC I have to click on it.

6. Targeted bow skills require less real life dexterity to pull off but you cant easily target a blue in a pack of whites. So with caustic arrow and the like its hard to shift to that blue. I would allow the right stick to be able to select a target in the group.

7. It would be great if there was an easy way to flip back and forth between inventory and tread / stash / crafting bench with a key press. Having to move over to the other manually becomes tedious.

These are the feedback points I wanted to bring up at this point and I hope they help. I have to say I thought I would hate this UX but I don't actually. Some ways I like it better.
Last bumped on Sep 1, 2024, 1:27:44 PM

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