Feedback on league/game state.

Dear GGG,

I am a long time player and find the game very enjoyable. Removing item quant was very necessary and has fixed many of the issues althought it seems to have made it so only group play can get good drops. I know a lot of people have been talking about ground loot and I honestly think that the current state is much better than the previous few leagues. I would like to make the following observations as a ssf player.
- The amount of currency etc that is dropping is in a decent state but it does mostly come from % chance to drop mods from influence, shipping or loot templates. I think this should be looked at.
- Spell suppression is so much better than max res as bosses dont ignore it. 90 max res is more reduction on paper but it doesnt prevent one hits from ele pen. This forces damage conversion to survive it. I suggest making spell suppression something that is more accessible to all characters but more accessible to dex characters. I also would say the same for physical reduction for characters on the right side of the tree is in a very bad state. Its fair enough to want players to invest in things but if theres nothing to invest in its not quite the same. For example with 90 max res an exarch ball can one shot you but with damage conversion you can run around into all of them deliberately and it does nothing to you. It would be good if non-conversion defence was more viable. Maybe evasion could guarantee avoiding a percentage of damage from a hit rather than 100% or 0. Glancing blows stile thinking.

- There are a lot of really cool items that even if like I do you kill every piece of content in the game you never get to use without trading. Things being rare is fine but stuff like the eater exarch jewels are bordering on unfarmable. 10% drop chance and you have to get two to match and be on the correct class the odds are astronomical. It would be cool to have a harvest reroll or something for items like this so getting them without trading is actually possible. It feels more likely to drop a mageblood than ever get a pair of them to match which sucks because you have to win the lottery twice for it to be useable.
- Map runners and shipping is a very good mini game idea. I am just a little sad that the mappers seem to drop more t0 uniques than I do. I would much prefer that excitement to happen in my maps than theirs.
- The scarab system is very cool. It allows a lot of targetting etc. Very good system. A couple of the scarabs specifically titanic scarabs have made it so the difference in loot between playing solo vs playing in a group on trade league is in the hundreds of thousands of %. This makes the gameplay feel very unrewarding.
- t17 maps dont feel enjoyable on ssf at all. They are rewarding but the difficulty isn't fun difficulty its just annoying, they are gradually getting better but they are still harder than the uber bosses by a significant margin and you are forced to have an entire atlas specced around them and gear towards them. They also make normal boss fights very underwhelming. The idea is very cool but I think you should rethink the way they are difficult. I dont think map mods should ever affect the players stats, curses etc are fine but it isn't fun having your character turned off.

Cheers guys. Love your game and am looking forward to POE2!
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 6:08:47 AM

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