[SUGGESTIONS] Currency exchange improvements and other

Hi, I am the Vagabond, a player on Path of Exile.

First of all, I want to congratulate the entire team for adding currency exchange. It's truly a fantastic feature that simplifies our trades and makes the game even more enjoyable. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to continually improving our gaming experience.

However, I'd like to suggest a few improvements that I believe could make this feature even more useful:

1. Exchange for Altar Invitations and other invitations: Currently, Altar invitations are stored in the fragment stash, but they can't be exchanged through the new interface. I think they also deserve to be exchangeable, just like the other invitations. Additionally, *Sacred Blossom* cannot be sold, which forces me to open them and sell the *Crystallised Lifeforce*. I’d love to be able to sell the *Blossom* directly—it would be really convenient.

2. Add a button or shortcut for "I Have": It would be great to have a button or shortcut (for example, Alt + left-click) that automatically selects the maximum quantity we own. This would also adjust the selling numbers accordingly, leaving us to simply hover over each box to validate, as we currently do. This would make selling much faster.

3. Calculate recommended ratios based on actual sales: Another idea would be to base the recommended ratios on the average of actual sales, rather than on items just listed for sale. This could provide a more accurate market snapshot and help players get a better deal.

4. Adjust quantities with the mouse**: It would be helpful to increase or decrease the numbers in the boxes by hovering over them and using the scroll wheel. This would make managing quantities much smoother.

5. Keep this market in the core gameplay and add it to Standard: I really hope this market system becomes a permanent feature in the core gameplay and is also included in Standard. Additionally, on the website, it would be great if currency trades were removed entirely. The constant flipping by players who buy from the site to sell to Faustus or vice versa can cause wild price fluctuations for scarabs and other items, with prices changing every minute. It feels like we're in the middle of a "Wolves of Vaal City" scenario.

Once again, thank you for everything you do. I’m really excited to see these potential improvements in the game!

Best regards,
The Vagabond
Last bumped on Aug 23, 2024, 6:19:52 AM
I was going to write a pot about that but as this kind player already did, let me add some of my ideas and make it a thread.

Hopefully someone will also write their ideas.

Make a search box focused by default when you open up Faustus.

Clicking every time I want to search an item - why?

Being able to favorite trades

Continuous sales for farmers - where it's always active and you just shift click your currency into Faustus and he fills up your trade
I was going to write a pot about that but as this kind player already did, let me add some of my ideas and make it a thread.

Hopefully someone will also write their ideas.

Make a search box focused by default when you open up Faustus.

Clicking every time I want to search an item - why?

Being able to favorite trades

Continuous sales for farmers - where it's always active and you just shift click your currency into Faustus and he fills up your trade
BenimaruuShinmon wrote:
I was going to write a pot about that but as this kind player already did, let me add some of my ideas and make it a thread.

Hopefully someone will also write their ideas.

Make a search box focused by default when you open up Faustus.

Clicking every time I want to search an item - why?

Being able to favorite trades

Continuous sales for farmers - where it's always active and you just shift click your currency into Faustus and he fills up your trade

I like the idea of continuous sales!
or at least favourite the trade, so u can re-select it !

PS: dont know how to edit message, and quote message is not easy to use :o

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