Grasping tentacles is the only mechanic that can slow a trickster with one step aheads attack speed

TLDR: Grasping Tentacles work on trickster with One Step Ahead acendency. Fix that

Hey, I'd like it if it was a bit more cohearance in the game. Taking One Step Ahead trickster acendency makes you immune to attack speed slows by EVERY mechanic in the game. EXCEPT Grasping Tentacles. This has made people assume that action speed = attackspeed, but that is wrong. your attack speed can in fact be slowed by that mechanic, and that mechanic only. I suggest either make attackspeed be slowable by more mechanics, OR change it so Grasping Tentacles cant slow attack speed through One Step Ahead like all other mechanics
Last bumped on Aug 19, 2024, 10:12:44 AM
^There is nothing to fix, you just misunderstand the node.

"Action Speed is at least 108%" is just that.....ONLY action speed. Any modifiers that do not directly target action speed will still happen. Grasping tentacles does NOT effect Action Speed; it effects attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed. Same with things like maim, hinder, etc. It must SPECIFICALLY have an effect on Action Speed and not any presumed "subset" of Action Speed.

It works on freeze and chill because both of those are directly affecting Action Speed. In fact, I believe those, petrify, and temporal chains are the only sources of Action Speed reduction that the trickster node makes you immune to.

TLDR: Think of action speed as mono-directional. action speed will have an effect on all sub-stats related to it; HOWEVER, effects on sub-stats will NOT have an effect on action speed.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 19, 2024, 2:11:51 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Grasping tentacles does NOT effect Action Speed; it effects attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed.

That still leaves the question why this one mechanic affects all 3 subsets instead of the main stat which is action speed.

Sure you can say "working as intended" but it makes no sense to do it this way. If it only had an effect on one or two of the substats it would be one thing but it affects all 3. Might just as well make it action speed in that case for consistencies sake.

^that is true.....I wasn't putting judgment on the way its designed, just clarifying the design itself.

But I WILL say.....action speed has an effect on way more than attack/cast/movement speed. Perhaps that is the reason why grasping tentacles is the way it is.

Multiplicative with base stats: "This includes moving, attacking and casting (including channelling), throwing traps and mines, shouting warcries, summoning totems, and recovering from stuns. Modifiers to action speed have a multiplicative effect on a character in conjunction with stats that affect the speed of specific actions".

They simply did not want tentacles to effect ALL of that...OR they just wanted it to have a greater effect on heavily invested people. It's hard to invest in Action Speed, so hitting the builds right in the substats will have a much greater percentage effect.

Grasping Tentacles was also released AFTER the ubiquity of tailwind boots. Yet another factor that could have played into their design.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Aug 19, 2024, 10:16:22 AM

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